I am going to return to the radio very soon and I will be discussing these issues. There is to be a conference as I said in an earlier post, this is happening in Skegness in the Suncastle pub on the 12th and 13th of September 2012. If you have been affected by this vile act, or perhaps you know someone who has, it would be valuable to them and yourselves to attend this important conference.
What will it take for you to take a stand for your children? What will it take for you to believe this is happening? Our Great GrandFathers laid down their lives for us and our liberties so that we would not have to live the way they did. They are all turning in their graves about now, ashamed of how we are acting. I personally will not allow Bitterly and Mildly to live in a society run by power mad psychopaths.
I have no doubt in my mind that you are against this vile practice the state and social services are using against good parents but, anyone can sit behind a computer desk all day clicking the "LIKE", "ATTEND AND JOIN" buttons on these damn social networking sites but, it takes more than clicking to make a difference to this warped and corrupt system. What say you all stop liking these comments, posts and what nots and actually do something that will make a difference. For the people who oragnise these protest marches, conferences etc.....keep up the great work, you can in time show your children that you do deserve to say "look son, I tried". But, for those who click and say that you are going and then don't turn up, you are not letting yourself down, you are not letting the organisers down, YOU ARE LETTING THE CHILDREN DOWN. SHAME ON YOU WHO DO THIS. Buy a ticket and go on the Jeremy Kyle show whilst you click like.......
Mr Angry

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