It was hard to believe at first, some of the stories, but the evidence became overwhelming. Files of letters, court documentation, emails. There were lies, perjury, falsified medical evidence, false psychiatric assessments, kidnapping, psychological pressure, police threats, blatant collusion of defence and legal teams of prosecution against the parents, failure to prosecute the perpetrators of child abuse and medical incompetence, and victimisation of innocent mothers. The courts had taken no notice of the child’s wishes. This horrible tarantula web of a system is secretive and powerful; local councillors cannot challenge their own Social Services departments about their actions. Social Services are UNACCOUNTABLE to anybody and hide behind secret family courts and confidentiality. They use the courts to gag parents and suppress exposure. Governments offer local authorities more money for more children they can get into care; they set targets. 25,000 children a year are being taken in this way.
These events are orchestrated. Support and Common Purpose are at the highest levels. Common Purpose goes into schools to re-train children and also uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming on the police. The BBC is heavily involved in Common Purpose and James Rennie, who abused 3-month old babies, was Common Purpose trained. There are secret family courts, into which the public are not allowed. They are very dangerous in that the public have no track as to what’s happening to people. And they are under the total control of a single Judge, who knowingly or unknowingly relies on false evidence, and a district judge can come out with a gagging order and put people in jail for trying to tell the story. There have been 200 people put in jail through the secret courts. It is creeping piece by piece. The children are taken and the child snatch cases are gagged under family court ‘confidentiality’ rules and data protection.
The appeal process is corrupt and circular, much like a revolving door, and held in secret, so the victimised parents and children find themselves denied justice. Pathways are blocked. Threats are used to get parents to back down. Children are put on one of three data bases – (i) contact point; (ii) social services; (iii) MPs and celebrities. They are being fingerprinted even for going into lessons. Siemens, the German CCTV company, provide social services with the software to get close to our children. Also parents being told they’re not ‘bright’ enough to have children (I heard of a case of a 17 year old girl on the run for this same reason to protect her child) – this is the start of eugenics, which is being taught in schools. Goldman Sachs funds this amongst other 3rd sector quangoes and charities. Eugenics is here in our children’s schools; it has a registered charity number 1099782 (UK) under the regulator for charities in England and Wales, founded by Laura Huxley wife of Aldous Huxley. Aldous Huxley supported sterilisation to “prevent the sub-normal from having any families at all”. There’s an agenda to re-educate and re-engineer children into a new society. (Barnardos supports the adoption of children before they are born.)
Those trained in psychosynthesis are now in UK schools: under the ‘Teens and Toddlers Project, Part 1 of Children: Our Ultimate Investment’. Counsellors are being placed in schools each offering a day of 5 or 6 counselling sessions, that’s 50 counselling sessions per school per week, the parent never knows what happens in these sessions; ‘Project Caress’ was an objective, to develop ‘caressing rooms’. Many reports have arisen of children hanging themselves. Something is being done in the schools. Industrial Military private companies are running Academy schools and ARK (Absolute Return for Kids). Children are encouraged to use laptops, there’s heavy use of Wi-Fi . Newspapers are gagged. The UK Column helps parents and children tell their stories, and in doing this, it has received no less than four injunctions so that they can’t report in so much detail of this agenda to break up families. One recent court case, the court used the Peter Wright MI5 ‘Spycatcher’ official secrets act case as the precedence case to prevent the other publishing her story of child kidnap.
Endless reports document social services officials as being cold, like emotionless robots, and the truth began to unravel. What happens to these children when they are placed in ‘care’? They are often used for drug testing. Often body parts are disappearing in hospitals. There is the case of Helenor Bye. Body parts were stripped out of her – provable. The case of Hollie Greig – her mother was forced to the ground and had a needle inserted in her. She was placed in a psychiatric unit. The case of Linda Lewis – she was never allowed in a court to say she wanted to go home and was put on a cocktail of drugs and told her mum never loved her, people were laughing at her and her pain was imaginary. Sabina – the case of a 10 year old son taken, and Corinne Gouget – this case was twisted 180 degrees. They destroyed her mental health so much she was treated as a mental case. Ian Joseph wrote a book, ‘Forced Adoption’. They falsify documents, lie, bully, and turn children against their parents, having been taught how to use psychological bullying using NLP programming; the Nazis did this. Look up EU Child Snatching Roelie Post – who worked in Romania, and the trafficking of Romanian children, in laboratories wired up with electrodes; Col J R Rees – ‘Mental Health’ links to Tavistock; also Tavistock links to NHS. This shadow group, Common Purpose, here gets spookier when they use phrases like ‘Our networks will soon be very important’. They are seen now joining UK networks with networks in Europe. Gordon Brown and Barack Obama have been heard using the expression ‘common purpose’. Never contact social services. Never sign anything. Refuse assessment by psychiatrists. Stay away from these people.
The extreme cases are all about re-engineering children into this new society and taking a few children away in the thousands is testing the waters. This was presented by Brian Gerrish, ex-Naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert from Plymouth and who I have deep respect for, who discovered a strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city which he fell upon when he was involved with a group in Plymouth helping people find jobs; one of their projects was restoring wooden boats. It was a success, everything was going fine. And then it suddenly changed. The Council withdrew their support. Brian and his team tried to carry on with it alone. But within a short time key people were being threatened. What went wrong? They were shocked to find that Common Purpose was encompassing so many groups of people who did not declare themselves and that operated throughout the structure of the city – they found them in government offices, in the City Council, in the police, in the judiciary, it was everywhere; something underlying, evolving, like an elitist secret society which doesn’t want to show itself to ordinary people and talks about ‘creating new leaders’. He and his colleagues started to dig. Regarding the nature of the children’s cases at this conference Brian could not give quite so much detail as he used to do at previous speeches due to receiving injunctions to silence him.
Until next rant, make notes of what angers you and others.
Mr Angry
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