If you think and I’ll keep stressing this point throughout my posts, if you think because of your social position, your knowledge, intelligence or that you are a good person, that these people are not capable of taking your child away, I am sorry but you’re wrong. I apologise for the nature of this but, we need to deal with it because if we don’t, we will lose control of our society.
I received a phone call a few days ago suggesting that society is broken. Our society is not
broken, it is working the way they designed it to work. And it is no accident.
The press are not giving us the right information, (although they are starting catch on) our Government will not serve the people the way it is meant to, the judiciary will not serve justice and the police will not protect us….WHY? They are colluding and/or conspiring to cover up the truth of the sexual abuse of children. Google Hollie Greig, to understand more on establishment cover ups. Information is being systematically removed from the internet but more worryingly, laws are being introduced to prevent questions being asked. “Child snatching is being carried out by Government agencies that have an interest in Adoption Agencies, Coram, BAAF and that take happy, healthy, young, bright children from innocent parents in the secret family courts. The court procedures are totally against the Human Rights of the parents and children in many ways, the trials are unfair, they are unjust punishment and torture; there is no right of
free speech and no private family life.
“The government workers lie in order to stop contact between the parent and child in order to alienate the child from the parent. They stress the parent by making them watch their child’s mental health and security deteriorate while they are being alienated from the parents and have constant court proceedings. “They then instruct a psychologist of their choice who will make the report that they want and will pay them many thousands for doing it. The psychologist will assess the parent and child while they are being alienated in order to find that the family is depressed with additional disorders. I am not surprised, are you?
Can you not see a pattern forming? So, we are going to put the issues of child abuse in a worldwide context, that way Governments around the world might just take a more notice. At the moment, a petition is just another petition and holds little weight. It’s another pile of paper, destined for the political shredder as far as they’re concerned. But on a worldwide scale, if just one Government in one country makes changes because of that, then what we’re doing is a step in the right direction. If that happens to be a foreign country then, the UK puts pressure on to get things changed in this country, if that country is changing their laws then we should be doing the same.
We need your help and support to rid our Governments, social services of these criminals and help to re-educate the ones that want to speak but won’t. Many people, especially ignorant people, The Government for example, want to punish people like me and others for speaking the truth, for being correct and for being ourselves. Anyone with an ounce of decency would speak up for vulnerable children of this world who sadly fall victim to abuse. We need to put the world’s Governments on notice that we do not accept what they are doing to the children and we certainly do not apologise for speaking our minds and the truth. We are right when we say there is corruption within the establishments and we must continue to speak out. Even if that means I do it alone, the truth is still the truth.
Childhood is such a brief and yet precious time in life. Let children be CHILDREN in their childhood, not little academics. Children are our future – without our children we have no future. We have to stand up and fight for them, and it is our duty to love, protect and nurture them.
We must all stand up and act to give ONE VOICE FOR THE KIDS – sitting on the fence is not an option.
Final Rant…..
The collective political establishment has betrayed the British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason.
They do not need to know how many people we represent today, only how many we might represent tomorrow and they should know that our numbers grow daily. This serves as their window of opportunity to make amends and give remedy for the crimes committed against us. We will show compassion for those who recant and we will be ruthless with those who do not concede to the wishes of the people.
Ignoring our plight is not an option… if they think it is, then this serves only to demonstrate that their intellect is subservient to their arrogance. They may feel that they can ignore it because they are too powerful, but to do so is to underestimate the seething resentment that the people feel for the political establishment in general. They have rewarded themselves with the trappings of office – high salaries, luxuries denied most of us, privileges, pensions, prestige and benefits that you and I can only ever dream of… whilst burdening us with ever-higher taxes, derisory pensions and declining standards of public services. It is we who ultimately pay the price for their malfeasance.
People are meeting in groups across the country, talking across oceans… they are disparate, disorganised and without an effective plan to repel the global agenda…as yet. BUT a leadership is emerging… organisers are co-ordinating and small groups are linking to form larger groups. The dichotomies of left v right, Christian v Muslim, black v white, Catholic v Protestant, which have been used to great effect to divide and conquer in the past, will find no favour in this war. The call to arms that will unite us will be ‘the people v the global elite’ – the cry will cascade street to street and find easy passage and universal support – for our common purpose has greater value and strength than theirs.
We have a constitution – which they ignore. We have been denied our democratic rights, regardless, we have clearly expressed our wishes, in one opinion poll after another, that we do not want to be governed by a foreign UN elected officialdom, but still they disregard us. We are promised a referendum on our future, but then they recant. They speak in support of our views when in opposition, but act to the contrary when we elect them.
They accommodate tyrants, dictators, arms dealers and all manner of dubious characters, with whom they are happy to keep company. They turn a blind eye when the smell of money wafts their nostrils… it suppresses the stink of corruption and evil. Their moral compasses are defunct… their values deplorable and motives despicable. Our soldiers die to service their corporate agenda – their blood is on their hands.
It is our intention to govern ourselves… we do not seek their permission – this is our right. They have had their opportunity and they have failed. We will take back control of our own lives in stages, as and when it suits us. Our numbers will grow as we show by example that prosperity is the natural consequence of honest and fair governance. We will expose them for the parasites they are.
This country has a constitution – which they ignore. We have Magna Carta, the declaration and the Bill of Rights… we have trial by jury, habeas corpus, the coronation oath. We have our customs, traditions and common law. We have the right of petition, free speech, and free movement and above all… we have the right to govern ourselves. These are our inalienable rights – they are not privileges granted to us by them or their ilk. They cannot be taken away or extinguished at the whim of political diktat or through corrupt judicial process and certainly not at the behest of foreign undemocratic institutions. They have no authority to dictate… their duty is to serve.
We do not recognise regions imposed upon us by Europeans to affect their control over us – to divide and conquer us. We are a sovereign nation… a proud people. We have watched our country slowly destroyed… by them – we now see clearly what they have done… their purpose and their betrayal. We will honour our inheritance – the freedoms fought for and secured for us, and we will ensure that we will pass this on to the next generation, to our children and theirs.
We are not winning today, but today is the day we start to win. Go to it!! Tell a friend.
Mr Angry

Lets have your comments on these issues as keeping a lid on it only makes you blow a blood vessel. I should know....
Hypocrisy and corruption by the state and all its departments, is one thing but, ignoring the bill of rights and the Magna Carta is causing nothing but rebellion. This problem has reached its peak. This is nothing but genocide. I myself have been living a life, blinded and crippled by this hypocrisy and lack of empathy by the state for too long that is time to say No to this type of abuse.
ReplyDeleteWhat we need to is, seek to create a multi-agency approach to these issues in order to tackle the issues in all of their complexity. We need to raise public awareness of the impact of childhood abuse by hosting high-profile events such as this one in Skegness, we need to educate people as to how destructive childhood abuse and child snatching by the state is corrosive to society.