Was she dead when this was done? Well, she don't look well. Was it done after she gave blood? The original Herman Munster had more colour and the show was in black and white. Makes you feel humble to know that your money is being invested wisely don't it? Just like a proportion of our council tax goes to fund illegal wars, like Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq and again, I have not given my consent. Bring our boys home and let them protect their families and loved ones, not poppy fields. When Cameron goes out to meet the troops, he is basically congratulating them on keeping a look out whilst he continues to break the law. They are the look outs as he is the thief. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he makes me so angry. When is someone going to arrest him for treason? Here are a few facts about our power mad Prime Minister.
He was educated at Eton, Britian's finest private school before moving on to Oxford University where he was an active member of the infamous "Bullingdon Club" said by many to the UK's equivalant to ' Yales ' Skull and Bones" secret society. But, more interestingly, David has Royal illuminati bloodline connections. his wifes' stepfather was no other than William Astor of the Astor bloodline - one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines and her Father is a descendant of King Charles II.
The prime Minister himself is a direct descendant of William IV and thus a distant cousin of HRH Queen Elizabeth II.
His family has been involved with finance and banking and has also had close connections with the Rothchild illuminati family. Just like Obama, Cameron is a yet another puppet for the illuminati, placed in power to push the new world order agenda. Shortly after becoming Prime Minister, Cameron appointed George Osbourne as the new chancellor of the Exchequer. Rumoured to also be a freemason, George Osbourne was also a member of the infamous 'Bullingdon Club' which is where he met Nathaniel Rothchild, member of one the most powerful 13 illuminati families in the world. Ever heard of the secret illuminati Bilderberg Group? Guess who's a member?
With freemason David Cameron as Prime Minister and Bilderberg member, George Osbourne as the chancellor of the exchequer, the illuminati now have bigger control of the UK's politics and are getting ever closer to their goal of a global new world order.
In essence, what they are trying to do is create, one world, one Government and one currency. WTH? Cameron can't even get it right in this country yet, let alone trying to run the bloody world with other like minded psychopaths. Makes you angry. More on the world order soon......
Stop spending our council tax on art and put it to better use. We the people have not given our consent to you using the public purse as your own personal bank account for your own gains. I will not allow us tp pay for your gambling addiction nor drugs. Whats next, I suppose you're going to recruit the Scouts, Guides and Cadets to help prevent a repeat of last summers riots. The public purse is not for you to use as you see fit, or buy pieces of art which as far as I can see are only suitable for the parliamentary toilet. The day of reckoning will soon be upon you all and the people of the UK will have their day. You have been warned. Please feel free to send the link to my blog to people you know and ask them to do the same.
If you have a rant you would like to share with the rest of us, (Click Here) to email me. I will be more angry if you don't.
Mr. Angry
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