"Mr Angry"

"Mr Angry"
"It makes my blood boil"

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Friday, 31 August 2012

Buckle up......

What really gets my blood boiling is parents who don't use their car seats properly or not at all. What the hell are you thinking of? Or rather, not thinking of? Have you taken leave of your senses? Strap them in.....I simply cannot put in to words, how irresponsible that is. It is insane. It doesn't matter if you are just going down to your local Tesco's, doing the school run or long distance, strap your children in their seats parents.

‘Every child is precious and irreplaceable and the death of a child is an unbearable sorrow that no parent should ever have to endure.' 

Think of that the next time you choose to put your child's life in danger by not using the required restraints by law.

How bad will you (as a parent) feel if you have an accident on the way to Tesco's and you didn't strap your child in and your child dies as a direct result of your negligence? The proper use of child car restraints would prevent many of these deaths and, every year, around 15  children between the ages of 0 and 11 years are killed while travelling in cars.

So, parents...."CLUNK CLICK EVERY TRIP".

Mr Angry

Penns Sunday School....Great ranting

Placed in the video bar on the right, is this rant. Wow, what a rant. I have contacted Penn Jillette, the author of this rant, to see if he would be interested in writing one for this book. Let's see what happens, but, in the meantime, enjoy, kick back and watch this man at work.


Until the next rant, make notes of what angers you and others.

Mr Angry

Thursday, 30 August 2012

What angers Mr Angry....The Book

ok, so it's like this y'all. I am currently writing a book on insane rants that has never been published and, this is your chance to have yours published. Here comes the boring bit.....the rules etc...

Rule #1. Write your rant.

Rule #2. Submit your rant.

Rule #3. Oh that's right, there isn't one...erm. So I think that you get the point.

Your rant can about anything and everything but, I will not stand for profanities of any sort however mild. Please avoid using real people's names (unless they are either Royal, Political, Prime Minister or very much in the public eye) from your rant and, I urge you to use 'spellchecker' before submitting it. Be warned, if I like your rant a lot and it has many spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes in it, I will publish it regardlessly.

I want you to be creative yet, innovative. The point of the book is to capture the publics warped sense of humour that has never been activated.

So, are you up to the challenge? Do you own a ranting cap? Do you own a ranting stick and ranting pad, then you're nearly home and dry. All you have to do now is write it.

Send your enteries to me by (CLICKING HERE)    (NO NOT HERE, OVER THERE)

Only 20 will make it in to the book.

Good luck all
Mr Angry

Child stealing by the state Pt 2

This is truly horrific news. In Britain today a secret court system is stealing and trafficking people’s children. It’s summed up as the ‘Gulag of the Family Courts’ in Jack Frost’s book, and as ‘Child Stealing By The State’ by other journalists. This uncovers a brutal conspiracy between Social Services, the police, the courts, government and public authorities, to unlawfully take children from their parents and pass them into a frightening and often abusive Social Services system. That conspiracy still exists; so does the evidence. When a small community newspaper, the UK Column, was set up in Plymouth with the mission of exposing massive public sector fraud and corruption, its volunteers were shocked at reports of child stealing sent in by parents across Britain.

It was hard to believe at first, some of the stories, but the evidence became overwhelming. Files of letters, court documentation, emails. There were lies, perjury, falsified medical evidence, false psychiatric assessments, kidnapping, psychological pressure, police threats, blatant collusion of defence and legal teams of prosecution against the parents, failure to prosecute the perpetrators of child abuse and medical incompetence, and victimisation of innocent mothers. The courts had taken no notice of the child’s wishes. This horrible tarantula web of a system is secretive and powerful; local councillors cannot challenge their own Social Services departments about their actions. Social Services are UNACCOUNTABLE to anybody and hide behind secret family courts and confidentiality. They use the courts to gag parents and suppress exposure. Governments offer local authorities more money for more children they can get into care; they set targets. 25,000 children a year are being taken in this way.

These events are orchestrated. Support and Common Purpose are at the highest levels. Common Purpose goes into schools to re-train children and also uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming on the police. The BBC is heavily involved in Common Purpose and James Rennie, who abused 3-month old babies, was Common Purpose trained. There are secret family courts, into which the public are not allowed. They are very dangerous in that the public have no track as to what’s happening to people. And they are under the total control of a single Judge, who knowingly or unknowingly relies on false evidence, and a district judge can come out with a gagging order and put people in jail for trying to tell the story. There have been 200 people put in jail through the secret courts. It is creeping piece by piece. The children are taken and the child snatch cases are gagged under family court ‘confidentiality’ rules and data protection.

The appeal process is corrupt and circular, much like a revolving door, and held in secret, so the victimised parents and children find themselves denied justice. Pathways are blocked. Threats are used to get parents to back down. Children are put on one of three data bases – (i) contact point; (ii) social services; (iii) MPs and celebrities. They are being fingerprinted even for going into lessons. Siemens, the German CCTV company, provide social services with the software to get close to our children. Also parents being told they’re not ‘bright’ enough to have children (I heard of a case of a 17 year old girl on the run for this same reason to protect her child) – this is the start of eugenics, which is being taught in schools. Goldman Sachs funds this amongst other 3rd sector quangoes and charities. Eugenics is here in our children’s schools; it has a registered charity number 1099782 (UK) under the regulator for charities in England and Wales, founded by Laura Huxley wife of Aldous Huxley. Aldous Huxley supported sterilisation to “prevent the sub-normal from having any families at all”. There’s an agenda to re-educate and re-engineer children into a new society. (Barnardos supports the adoption of children before they are born.)

Those trained in psychosynthesis are now in UK schools: under the ‘Teens and Toddlers Project, Part 1 of Children: Our Ultimate Investment’. Counsellors are being placed in schools each offering a day of 5 or 6 counselling sessions, that’s 50 counselling sessions per school per week, the parent never knows what happens in these sessions; ‘Project Caress’ was an objective, to develop ‘caressing rooms’. Many reports have arisen of children hanging themselves. Something is being done in the schools. Industrial Military private companies are running Academy schools and ARK (Absolute Return for Kids). Children are encouraged to use laptops, there’s heavy use of Wi-Fi . Newspapers are gagged. The UK Column helps parents and children tell their stories, and in doing this, it has received no less than four injunctions so that they can’t report in so much detail of this agenda to break up families. One recent court case, the court used the Peter Wright MI5 ‘Spycatcher’ official secrets act case as the precedence case to prevent the other publishing her story of child kidnap.

Endless reports document social services officials as being cold, like emotionless robots, and the truth began to unravel. What happens to these children when they are placed in ‘care’? They are often used for drug testing. Often body parts are disappearing in hospitals. There is the case of Helenor Bye. Body parts were stripped out of her – provable. The case of Hollie Greig – her mother was forced to the ground and had a needle inserted in her. She was placed in a psychiatric unit. The case of Linda Lewis – she was never allowed in a court to say she wanted to go home and was put on a cocktail of drugs and told her mum never loved her, people were laughing at her and her pain was imaginary. Sabina – the case of a 10 year old son taken, and Corinne Gouget – this case was twisted 180 degrees. They destroyed her mental health so much she was treated as a mental case. Ian Joseph wrote a book, ‘Forced Adoption’. They falsify documents, lie, bully, and turn children against their parents, having been taught how to use psychological bullying using NLP programming; the Nazis did this. Look up EU Child Snatching Roelie Post – who worked in Romania, and the trafficking of Romanian children, in laboratories wired up with electrodes; Col J R Rees – ‘Mental Health’ links to Tavistock; also Tavistock links to NHS. This shadow group, Common Purpose, here gets spookier when they use phrases like ‘Our networks will soon be very important’. They are seen now joining UK networks with networks in Europe. Gordon Brown and Barack Obama have been heard using the expression ‘common purpose’. Never contact social services. Never sign anything. Refuse assessment by psychiatrists. Stay away from these people.

The extreme cases are all about re-engineering children into this new society and taking a few children away in the thousands is testing the waters. This was presented by Brian Gerrish, ex-Naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert from Plymouth and who I have deep respect for, who discovered a strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city which he fell upon when he was involved with a group in Plymouth helping people find jobs; one of their projects was restoring wooden boats. It was a success, everything was going fine. And then it suddenly changed. The Council withdrew their support. Brian and his team tried to carry on with it alone. But within a short time key people were being threatened. What went wrong? They were shocked to find that Common Purpose was encompassing so many groups of people who did not declare themselves and that operated throughout the structure of the city – they found them in government offices, in the City Council, in the police, in the judiciary, it was everywhere; something underlying, evolving, like an elitist secret society which doesn’t want to show itself to ordinary people and talks about ‘creating new leaders’. He and his colleagues started to dig. Regarding the nature of the children’s cases at this conference Brian could not give quite so much detail as he used to do at previous speeches due to receiving injunctions to silence him.

Until next rant, make notes of what angers you and others.
Mr Angry

Best of the breasts: Topless women take to the streets in equal rights protest

Topless rallies took place across the world to protest against laws that forbid women from bearing their chests. Demonstrators in the US led the way, with a co-ordinated message challenging the "inequality" between men and women over going topless.

America has had a different attitude to the female breast, considering: 1) all women have them; 2)babies need them; 3) US is the world's number 1 producer/consumer of pornography and 4) it's your legal right to own a gun there, but getting your boobs out is arrestable offence.....what an odd country. I love America, but it's an odd country where hooters are illegal, but Glock 9mm aren't.

Both hooters on display and a Glock 9mm are illegal here. While I might agree with their cause, I cannot see it happening here. Most of English society frowns on public nudity and besides, at this particualr rally, reports suggested that there were more (male, creepy) photographers than female protestors at the rally. Perverts. If we make it legal for women to bare their breats in the UK, might I make a small suggestion? Could we ask for a bill to be passed that forbids this pair of tits from being out in public? After all, they are no stranger to making complete tits of themselves.


Final rant......

There are more important issues that need to be addressed. I am not saying that our Government is going to make it legal for women in the UK to get their baps out in public, because it would cause outrage. Which brings me nicely on to my next question.....

Why oh why isn't the same outrage felt when the state and social services unlawfully take children in to care? When they rush our children through the secret court system? When they illegally adopt our children out to foster families? Or when they abuse our children?  

It would it appear to anyone who has eyes to see, we have our priorities mixed up. 


Mr Angry
Until next rant, make notes of what angers you and others.

Internet connections.....

What is it with these companies ay? They are supposed to be a telecommunications company for pity sake. I have just spent the best of an hour on the blower (half of that was on hold before they answered) to these idiots who are trained at circus school, same place 'Call centre staff' gain their NVQ in patronising the customer, complaining that my internet connection keeps dropping. And this ain't the first time it has happened either.
Now, there is nothing more patronising than when they say to you, 'I understand'. Clearly, they don't. Starting to see red again, deep breaths the doctor said....too late...they make my blood boil. "Ok" the boy says, "have you tried turning it off and on again?" Oh my frickin' God, and, at this point I have just this minute told him that I write the Mr Angry column/blog and what he is doing is adding more fuel to my already increasing rage. I said, (not in an angry voice but, a stern one) "let me tell you what is happening then you will really understand the true nature of the problem that keeps occuring". ------------------, line went dead. He cut the call didn't he? AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Quick enough to take your money but, not so quick in resolving the issue. All I can say is, "I hope none of you live near me, I work in McDonalds...extra relish with yours?"

Mr Angry

Wednesday, 29 August 2012



If you think and I’ll keep stressing this point throughout my posts, if you think because of your social position, your knowledge, intelligence or that you are a good person, that these people are not capable of taking your child away, I am sorry but you’re wrong. I apologise for the nature of this but, we need to deal with it because if we don’t, we will lose control of our society.
I received a phone call a few days ago suggesting that society is broken. Our society is not
broken, it is working the way they designed it to work. And it is no accident.

The press are not giving us the right information, (although they are starting catch on) our Government will not serve the people the way it is meant to, the judiciary will not serve justice and the police will not protect us….WHY? They are colluding and/or conspiring to cover up the truth of the sexual abuse of children. Google Hollie Greig, to understand more on establishment cover ups. Information is being systematically removed from the internet but more worryingly, laws are being introduced to prevent questions being asked. “Child snatching is being carried out by Government agencies that have an interest in Adoption Agencies, Coram, BAAF and that take happy, healthy, young, bright children from innocent parents in the secret family courts. The court procedures are totally against the Human Rights of the parents and children in many ways, the trials are unfair, they are unjust punishment and torture; there is no right of
free speech and no private family life.
“The government workers lie in order to stop contact between the parent and child in order to alienate the child from the parent. They stress the parent by making them watch their child’s mental health and security deteriorate while they are being alienated from the parents and have constant court proceedings. “They then instruct a psychologist of their choice who will make the report that they want and will pay them many thousands for doing it. The psychologist will assess the parent and child while they are being alienated in order to find that the family is depressed with additional disorders. I am not surprised, are you?

Can you not see a pattern forming? So, we are going to put the issues of child abuse in a worldwide context, that way Governments around the world might just take a more notice. At the moment, a petition is just another petition and holds little weight. It’s another pile of paper, destined for the political shredder as far as they’re concerned. But on a worldwide scale, if just one Government in one country makes changes because of that, then what we’re doing is a step in the right direction. If that happens to be a foreign country then, the UK puts pressure on to get things changed in this country, if that country is changing their laws then we should be doing the same.

We need your help and support to rid our Governments, social services of these criminals and help to re-educate the ones that want to speak but won’t. Many people, especially ignorant people, The Government for example, want to punish people like me and others for speaking the truth, for being correct and for being ourselves. Anyone with an ounce of decency would speak up for vulnerable children of this world who sadly fall victim to abuse. We need to put the world’s Governments on notice that we do not accept what they are doing to the children and we certainly do not apologise for speaking our minds and the truth. We are right when we say there is corruption within the establishments and we must continue to speak out. Even if that means I do it alone, the truth is still the truth.

Childhood is such a brief and yet precious time in life. Let children be CHILDREN in their childhood, not little academics. Children are our future – without our children we have no future. We have to stand up and fight for them, and it is our duty to love, protect and nurture them.

We must all stand up and act to give ONE VOICE FOR THE KIDS – sitting on the fence is not an option.

Final Rant…..

The collective political establishment has betrayed the British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason.

They do not need to know how many people we represent today, only how many we might represent tomorrow and they should know that our numbers grow daily. This serves as their window of opportunity to make amends and give remedy for the crimes committed against us. We will show compassion for those who recant and we will be ruthless with those who do not concede to the wishes of the people.

Ignoring our plight is not an option… if they think it is, then this serves only to demonstrate that their intellect is subservient to their arrogance. They may feel that they can ignore it because they are too powerful, but to do so is to underestimate the seething resentment that the people feel for the political establishment in general. They have rewarded themselves with the trappings of office – high salaries, luxuries denied most of us, privileges, pensions, prestige and benefits that you and I can only ever dream of… whilst burdening us with ever-higher taxes, derisory pensions and declining standards of public services. It is we who ultimately pay the price for their malfeasance.
People are meeting in groups across the country, talking across oceans… they are disparate, disorganised and without an effective plan to repel the global agenda…as yet. BUT a leadership is emerging… organisers are co-ordinating and small groups are linking to form larger groups. The dichotomies of left v right, Christian v Muslim, black v white, Catholic v Protestant, which have been used to great effect to divide and conquer in the past, will find no favour in this war. The call to arms that will unite us will be ‘the people v the global elite’ – the cry will cascade street to street and find easy passage and universal support – for our common purpose has greater value and strength than theirs.
We have a constitution – which they ignore. We have been denied our democratic rights, regardless, we have clearly expressed our wishes, in one opinion poll after another, that we do not want to be governed by a foreign UN elected officialdom, but still they disregard us. We are promised a referendum on our future, but then they recant. They speak in support of our views when in opposition, but act to the contrary when we elect them.
They accommodate tyrants, dictators, arms dealers and all manner of dubious characters, with whom they are happy to keep company. They turn a blind eye when the smell of money wafts their nostrils… it suppresses the stink of corruption and evil. Their moral compasses are defunct… their values deplorable and motives despicable. Our soldiers die to service their corporate agenda – their blood is on their hands.
It is our intention to govern ourselves… we do not seek their permission – this is our right. They have had their opportunity and they have failed. We will take back control of our own lives in stages, as and when it suits us. Our numbers will grow as we show by example that prosperity is the natural consequence of honest and fair governance. We will expose them for the parasites they are.
This country has a constitution – which they ignore. We have Magna Carta, the declaration and the Bill of Rights… we have trial by jury, habeas corpus, the coronation oath. We have our customs, traditions and common law. We have the right of petition, free speech, and free movement and above all… we have the right to govern ourselves. These are our inalienable rights – they are not privileges granted to us by them or their ilk. They cannot be taken away or extinguished at the whim of political diktat or through corrupt judicial process and certainly not at the behest of foreign undemocratic institutions. They have no authority to dictate… their duty is to serve.

We do not recognise regions imposed upon us by Europeans to affect their control over us – to divide and conquer us. We are a sovereign nation… a proud people. We have watched our country slowly destroyed… by them – we now see clearly what they have done… their purpose and their betrayal. We will honour our inheritance – the freedoms fought for and secured for us, and we will ensure that we will pass this on to the next generation, to our children and theirs.

We are not winning today, but today is the day we start to win. Go to it!! Tell a friend.


Mr Angry

Lets have your comments on these issues as keeping a lid on it only makes you blow a blood vessel. I should know....


Although I might not have first hand experience of this myself, I still feel the sense of duty to my fellow human beings to stand up for what simply is the right thing to do.
For those who want this site shut down, do you not see that you are siding and protecting those who are committing these dispicible crimes? Or have you been so brainwashed that you think today is Friday when it is actually Wednesday? You bang on about paedophilia this and paedophilia that and it makes me seeth with uncontrolable rage, because you say that you are against child abuse but you LEAVE THEIR WEBSITES UP FOR ALL TO SEE, DON’T YOU?
Condemning this site for simply telling the truth is outrageous. The message you are getting across to people is that child abuse is bad but the paedophile sites stay up anyway.
As the poor woman pictured in this article, dipicted as the “Child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” in my opinion is not science fiction but more of a “We all know who done it”. What plausible affects could this possibly have on this woman that could ever come close to the torment, trauma and vile acts that the state and $ocial $ervices have used on the parents? I very much doubt this woman knows what being a victim is and I sincerely hope that there she and other social workers are reading this post.

Final thoughts……

If I were to break in to say, Curry’s and, steal a state of the art, credit card thin TV and then give it to my friend, who says “nice one”. 2 days later, he gets a knock at the door, 2 policemen outside and they ask him about a TV and that they have a reason to suspect that it is there. They say “if you have nothing to hide, you will let us in”.(LITTLE PIGGY). Anyway, they find said TV, arrest my friend for recieving and handling stolen property. Now, if 4 policemen and 3 $ocial workers come to youR house and say that they have a reason to believe that your child is at risk from emotional harm and that they have come to take your child in to care. Lets just say that you let them. Now, your child could be adopted out to a foster family, where your child will have their name changed to the family they are being adopted out to. Because the state and police and $ocial $ervices have acted illegally, and removed your child, surely the adopted family is in all essence, is recieving stolen goods!

I would like to see the laws of this country, so I could see first hand if there is any real difference in recieving and handling a stolen TV set or a baby/child. The crime of theft and recieiving/handling stolen property is the same, well, ain’t it? And, to rub more salt in to the injury, they also get paid for it. SICK! Ain’t you seen the adverts in becoming a foster carer? Google it. You will be amazed.

Final words…..

If they were to shut down all paedophile websites, then, there would be no need for sites like this one that is under attack and threatened with closure because, they feel it is offensive, vile and promotes violence. What do you think a paedophile websites promotes? A time share in Florida?

Mr Angry

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Website exposing social workers condemned as ‘vile’

The website claims to be exposing UK social workers ‘in the interests of parents and children’.

In a quote, they said; “Social workers and professional bodies have condemned a ‘vile’ and ‘offensive’ website that threatens to ‘expose’ UK social workers by publishing their names and photographs online. The website, called UK Social Workers Exposed, features the Nazi symbol”.

Firstly, this makes my blood boil with rage. Secondly, what I find this site does is tell the truth and brings this to the fore where it should be. It also tells a  grim tale of the state and $ocial $ervices, working together to break up the families by stealing children. The manner in which, every week, dozens of families are wantonly ripped apart has become truly horrifying. And the only reason this does not itself make headline news is that our so-called ‘child protection’ system has become so ruthlessly hidden from view by the wall of secrecy built around it by our family courts. What is most shocking about our child-care system is the extent to which, behind that wall of secrecy, every part of it has gone off the rails. When families are split apart supposedly for the welfare of the children and other than causing emotional distress to the child, serves only to perpetuate a financial system.

What I find absurd is, that they are seriously contemplating taking legal action against the owners of this site. This is laughably foolish TBH. Who makes these decisions? These people are acting like the ‘Gestapo’. I can honestly say that the featured symbol this site has used only goes to show how they percieve social workers and in recent times they have been referred to as the “Stazi”.

OMFG......if they actually shut this site down or take legal action, then it only goes to prove that they are protecting those who carry out these crimes against innocent families throughout the UK. After all, if they have the power to shut sites down, why not shut down all paedophile sites instead?

Mr Angry

Political scandals....

Here we go then.....political scandals.........
The politicians are very good at selecting which scandals should be made public and which ones shouldn't. Surely, it is in all our interests, to know what they are up to behind closed doors ain't it? I bring this up because of the Fox and Werritty Scandal.

Fox resigns after allegations that he asked a wealthy Tory donor to fund his best man and former flatmate Adam Werritty. Fox quit after he learnt he was to face a torrent of new claims about damaging conflicts of interest between Mr Werritty’s backers and his role as Defence Secretary. Details leaked by the millionaire men who turned on him, said how £157,000 was paid to Mr Werritty to let him fly around the world with Dr Fox. Jon Moulton agreed to fund Mr Werritty’s globetrotting after he bought a defence company that makes components for aircraft including RAF fighter jets and troop transporters.

Now, this is bad in the sense that Fox is the defence secretary to the country and having someone who has no official reason for being there, was able to gain access to the MOD diary. Due to this oversight by Fox, our country's security was breached and he was right to resign, however, to illustrate my point, I would ask you to keep an open mind.

At the start of this thread, I said that " politicians are very good at selecting which scandals should be made public and which ones shouldn't. Surely, it is in all our interests, to know what they are up to behind closed doors ain't it"? Have you ever asked why? Most of the politicains do not have a conscience once they get in to parliament. They're having to much of a good time inside Westminster, to give a toss about you or I. They fiddle their expenses, (some use the public purse as their own bank account, Ed Balls) you can have your rent boys in Westminster and, where paedophilia is conducted, condoned and then, covered up by the highest pillars of our society. Establishment paedophilia is not only confined to the UK, it is being practised all over the world and is considered as normal as breathing. Yet, they will not admit that this is happening and here is what I think is the reason: Remember, open mind.....

You personally  have seen what is happening in this country, you want to help make a difference, so you become a candidate for your local area. Long story short, you get elected to represent your local constituency. People start sending you emails about whats ailing them and they expect you to act. The pressure is mounting up daily. Day by day, new emails, new challenges, more angry people. Like any job, you finally settle in to the mundane routine but, something on this particualr day changes your perception on parliament, you catch a glimpse of something dodgey. Something catches your attention, on top of the pile of paperwork on your desk. A woman is seeking your assitance in stopping the social services from taking her children in to care. But as you look in to your increasing pile of paperwork, you start to find more stories on this. Whatever your role is in parliament, you all have a fiduciary duty to us. But, it is always the same story, once elected, they act to the contrary because, why should they jepordise their position? It is a question of morals at the end of the day....what would you do? Investigate and launch a full enquiry and risk losing your job or, keep stum, hoping it will go away?

The problem is, society believes what we are told if we are told it for long enough. For instance, most of us all know that the Government is bent but feel disempowered to do anything about it. NOT TRUE. The fact is and still remains, there is more of us than there is of them so, we are many, they are few. Truth is, we hold the power but, we just haven't embraced it yet. In my previous post I said, what will it take for you to stand up for your children and their children? They are the future but, they won't have one if we don't do something now and I mean NOW! Not only am I thinking of Bitterly and Mildly, but I am also thinking of your children. This vile practise being used on families destroys lives forever whilst the perpetrators of these crimes get away scott free or in some cases, recieve a pitiful sentence which does not reflect to crime. The victims and their families cannot find solace to move on with their damaged lives when this kind of injustice is allowed to continue. I can see why so many parents leave the UK. Although this has not happened to me and Mrs Angry, it still affects us as parents (they can take Mrs Angry if they want. Only joking my little piranha fish). Joking aside, this is a serious problem and it is on the rise.

Please watch this link to understand more on what I have outlined, you will be stunned and left outraged. This disgusting and vile practise makes my blood boil.  (Click Here)

What will you do today to make you feel proud?
Mr Angry

The political can of worms is open....fill ya boots everyone!

Now that I have touched on the subject of child stealing by the state, it is time to keep this fresh and in our minds people. Your children are yours, nobody else's and no-one has the right to take them away from you. NOBODY!!!

I am going to return to the radio very soon and I will be discussing these issues. There is to be a conference as I said in an earlier post, this is happening in Skegness in the Suncastle pub on the 12th and 13th of September 2012. If you have been affected by this vile act, or perhaps you know someone who has, it would be valuable to them and yourselves to attend this important conference.

What will it take for you to take a stand for your children? What will it take for you to believe this is happening? Our Great GrandFathers laid down their lives for us and our liberties so that we would not have to live the way they did. They are all turning in their graves about now, ashamed of how we are acting. I personally will not allow Bitterly and Mildly to live in a society run by power mad psychopaths.

I have no doubt in my mind that you are against this vile practice the state and social services are using against good parents but, anyone can sit behind a computer desk all day clicking the "LIKE", "ATTEND AND JOIN" buttons on these damn social networking sites but, it takes more than clicking to make a difference to this warped and corrupt system. What say you all stop liking these comments, posts and what nots and actually do something that will make a difference. For the people who oragnise these protest marches, conferences etc.....keep up the great work, you can in time show your children that you do deserve to say "look son, I tried". But, for those who click and say  that you are going and then don't turn up, you are not letting yourself down, you are not letting the organisers down, YOU ARE LETTING THE CHILDREN DOWN. SHAME ON YOU WHO DO THIS. Buy a ticket and go on the Jeremy Kyle show whilst you click like.......

Mr Angry

Politicians make me angry....

Hi all, Bitterly Angry here......and I am 9 years old.

Before I carry on from what my Dad said and get too angry, I just wanted to say, how can the state and social services do this? It's wrong. What if the shoe was on the other foot so to speak? Would they be so quick to say something? The people this happening to are no different from you and me, but, it doesn't seem to matter what your background, your knowledge or whether or not you are a good person, this can happen to anyone and it seems that there isn't anything you can do to stop it. 

My teacher at school taught to write in the colour that describes the mood I am in and, as you can all see, it is blue but that can change at any moment. I didn't believe this til' one day, Billy, my bestest friend in all the world, didn't come in to school one day. One day turned in to a week and by then, he had been taken in to care. Billy's Mum and Dad are the kindest people I know and Billy was a normal kid growing up, doing all the things that boys do and the things he perhaps shouldn't but, he is a child. Your time as a child is so precious and we should be children, doing things that children do. It is not right that these people, come in to your lives one day, accuse your Mum and Dad of being mentally ill and take your child away. Ah, too late....seeing the red now. As my Dad said, this process is the most destructive tool these child protection units use and they must be stopped and brought to account for their actions/failings. This makes me so angry, I'm going to jump on my BMX bike and pedal as fast as my legs will allow, to Downing Street to ask Cameron to send Billy home to his parents.

You are not above the laws in this country David Cameron, Do the right thing for once, launch an official and public enquiry in to the injustices that are being committed by you and your ilk on a daily basis. It is time that the people of this country saw you for what you really are. It is time you stepped down

Bitterly Angry

What....the Government is stealing children???

If you really want to know what makes my blood boil, well its this crime of unlawfully removing children from innocent families. Every year, thousands of young and vulnerable children around the world are abducted, imprisoned, sexually assaulted and abused and, in the worst case scenario, Murdered. The perpetrators of these crimes are not ordinary criminals, there is evidence of abuse being  conducted and then covered up by the highest pillars of our society.

Ain't  you ever wondered what really goes on behind closed doors? 

This blog maybe a way to have a good rant about something that has annoyed you but, this really takes the jam out of my donut....children being removed unlawfully by the $ocial $ervices and the Government? Why??? To break up families. 

In Britain some 30,000 children are disappearing every year - where do they go?

In Britain some 800 children are taken into state care every month - some to good homes but many to homes of abuse.

In Britain secret family courts accuse good mothers and fathers of being mentally ill so that the State can take their children. 

Arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this makes me so angry.

Who makes these decisions? These people are acting like the 'Gestapo'.

What happens to these children? 

Many are trafficked for adoption fees, sexual abuse, drug testing and worse.

This ain't a  fantasy - this is hard fact. The child abuse industry is worth £20 billion in court, legal, psychiatric and social work fees alone. 

Children and their families are being subjected such cruelty and the process these so called 'CHILD PROTECTION UNITS' around the world use, is without a doubt, the most destructive tool I have ever seen. 

Fortunately, good people in the police, social services and other professions are now coming forward to blow the whistle. They report that abuse is happening and that the State is protecting people carrying out the abuse. They are naming names. Whistle-blowers are brave people - we must encourage, help and protect them. 

Ever wondered what the conversation was between the social services and the Cameron's after they left their Daughter in a pub? Well I have and this is what I have come up with.

SS: Can you offer any kind of explanation as to why you forgot your Daughter?

PM: Have you ever tried to run a country?     ( Ha, tried - sums it up don't it?) 

SS: No.

PM: The amount of pressure I am under being the PM is difficult and hard work.

Mr Angry: The amount of pressure I am under being the PM is difficult and hard work? If being the PM makes you forget that you have children, then, maybe you should resign. Do you know, he said ; I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service, and I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions so that together we can reach better times ahead.”
What does any of that mean? Where are the policies? Thats right, he ain't forming his own is he? He gets them from The Young Foundation and Demos. Ohhhhhh he makes me sooooooooooo angryyyyy. All politicians in one way or another have all said the same thing. lies, lies, lies.....
Just like Obama, Cameron is a yet another puppet for the illuminati, placed in power to push the new world order agenda.

From that moment on, we have not heard a single thing on this subject. But, if that was me and Mrs Angry or any other parent that left our children in a pub or anywhere else,  whether or not our job was difficult or hard work, we would have been in court so quick; our feet wouldn't touch the ground. 

Final thought.....

If I went to Africa and took a lion cub from its Mother, I would expect to get mauled to death. Nobody is more qualified to say how you should look after your children than you are and, therefore, nobody has the right to take your children away. This practice of stealing children is happening around the world at an alarming rate. We have an unwritten duty to our children and that is to comfort, nurture, teach and love them, after all, they are the future. Me and Mrs Angry will not allow Bitterly and Mildly (our 2 children) to live in a society where injustice is law. 

Join me and others who are already helping to expose the truth and help to pave a safer future for your children and others? Even if it means the Governments around the world are abolished? When injustice becomes law, then rebellion becomes duty! Join with us and help to preserve your children's futures before they are denied one. Sucastle Pub, Skegness 12th-13th September 2012 9am to 6pm, a conference on child stealing by the state. 

                                                  OUR CHILDREN NEED

Mr Angry


Monday, 27 August 2012


Ok, so here it is folks....it is a well known fact that the bombs that we and the Americans are dropping are considerably more expensive than the targets that are blown up! Surely, it would be more economical to simply buy Iraq than it would be to destroy it. It's almost as if you can picture it, 'Here's you money and all we want is you out of the country by Friday at the close of business'. 
               Maybe it's just me but, please try to explain to me why is it more acceptable to use funds from the public purse to kill people than helping them? I suppose it comes as no real shock that all our respective Governments cut welfare/benefits and throw vagrants in jail. 

This makes my blood boil so much that, I cannot wait to return the favour on these bent politicians one day. You can trust me because I've got a suit on, pah!!!!

Mr Angry

Government sends in the Scouts.....

In a new £10M Government initiative, it would be fair to say that the Government has finally lost touch with reality by sending in the Scouts, Guides, Cadets and other youth groups to help prevent a repeat of last summers riots. These groups can and do provide life skills, make you feel like you belong to something and maybe teach the kids to contribute to our socities.

This makes my blood boil. It was the same when my little nephew came out to stay with me and Mrs Angry. It had been snowing for a few days and it actually settled so, little George goes outside to build a snowman. On completing his snowman, he came in the house, took his boots, hat, gloves and jacket off and said, "Uncle Angry, I am going to call him Frosty". I looked down at little George and said, "Well of course you're going to call him Frosty, you are not likely to call him Wayne are you"? This makes my blood boil.

With initiatives like this one, the next riot we will all bare witness to is the one of the parents rioting against the puppets in suits who want to put our children in the firing line of looters.

Here's a thought, perhaps if Cameron invested this £10M in to something that would be more beneficial like I don't know, "CHILD PROTECTION" off the top of my head? Both mine and Mrs Angry's children (Bitterly aged 9 and Mildly aged 12) will not be participating in such a scheme whether it teaches you life skills or how to take down a grown man with your little finger, children should NOT be doing a Policeman's job....before we know it, G4S will be recruiting from the age of 10 upwards. This makes me so angry that it's no wonder there is so much unrest in this country.

Mr Angry

Arms Trade Firms Fund Elite Universities

Well of course it matters. What a stupid question, honestly. These figures come amid concerns from activists who say cash- starved institutions are helping to promote the manufacturing of weapons by excepting these kind of funds. 18 out of the 24 universities that did respond, only one, the London School of Economics said they did not recieve such funds.

Oxford University received research grants worth £319k in 2008 to 2009, £196k from 09-10 and £199k in 10-11 from BAE systems, one of the world’s largest military contractors. Cambridge University took £75,000 of sponsorship money from GKN, which makes both commercial and defence related aircraft.

Campaign Against The Arms Trade said, it was a problem for universities to be associated with arms companies because “any link that a university has with an arms company provides that company with a veneer of respectability and sends a message that the arms trade is a legitimate one". The figures released will not be at all accurate as you must think that not all of the universities answered. Cor dear me, this makes my blood boil.

My closing summary; "surely, the ethos of education, is to create a better educated and more productive society, which is now bieng undermined by the war, destruction and waste engendered by the manufacture and trade in deadly weaponry. Who flamming cares who's got the biggest Scud-Missile"? 

The definition of "terrorist" is "political use of violence or intimidation". 

We shall not tolerate terrorism of ANY Government and their agencies against their people.

This makes my blood boil.

Help make this stop.

Mr. Angry

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Politicians blow thousands of tax-payers money on art!

 MPs and peers have blown a staggering £230,000 of taxpayers’ cash on art. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!I did not give my consent to them doing this with my tax.......it makes me so angry. It's the same with these odd peices of sculpture that are springing up everywhere. No wonder this country is in recession.
Was she dead when this was done? Well, she don't look well. Was it done after she gave blood? The original Herman Munster had more colour and the show was in black and white.  Makes you feel humble to know that your money is being invested wisely don't it? Just like a proportion of our council tax goes to fund illegal wars, like Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq and again, I have not given my consent. Bring our boys home and let them protect their families and loved ones, not poppy fields. When Cameron goes out to meet the troops, he is basically congratulating them on keeping a look out whilst he continues to break the law. They are the look outs as he is the thief. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he makes me so angry. When is someone going to arrest him for treason? Here are a few facts about our power mad Prime Minister.
He was educated at Eton, Britian's finest private school before moving on to Oxford University where he was an active member of the infamous "Bullingdon Club" said by many to the UK's equivalant to ' Yales ' Skull and Bones" secret society. But, more interestingly, David has Royal illuminati bloodline connections. his wifes' stepfather was no other than William Astor of the Astor bloodline - one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines and her Father is a descendant of King Charles II.

The prime Minister himself is a direct descendant of William IV and thus a distant cousin of HRH Queen Elizabeth II.

His family has been involved with finance and banking and has also had close connections with the Rothchild illuminati family. Just like Obama, Cameron is a yet another puppet for the illuminati, placed in power to push the new world order agenda. Shortly after becoming Prime Minister, Cameron appointed George Osbourne as the new chancellor of the Exchequer. Rumoured to also be a freemason, George Osbourne was also a member of the infamous 'Bullingdon Club' which is where he met Nathaniel Rothchild, member of one the most powerful 13 illuminati families in the world. Ever heard of the secret illuminati Bilderberg Group? Guess who's a member?

With freemason David Cameron as Prime Minister and Bilderberg member, George Osbourne as the chancellor of the exchequer, the illuminati now have bigger control of the UK's politics and are getting ever closer to their goal of a global new world order.

In essence, what they are trying to do is create, one world, one Government and one currency. WTH? Cameron can't even get it right in this country yet, let alone trying to run the bloody world with other like minded psychopaths. Makes you angry. More on the world order soon......

Stop spending our council tax on art and put it to better use. We the people have not given our consent to you using the public purse as your own personal bank account for your own gains. I will not allow us tp pay for your gambling addiction nor drugs. Whats next, I suppose you're going to recruit the Scouts, Guides and Cadets to help prevent a repeat of last summers riots. The public purse is not for you to use as you see fit, or buy pieces of art which as far as I can see are only suitable for the parliamentary toilet. The day of reckoning will soon be upon you all and the people of the UK will have their day. You have been warned. Please feel free to send the link to my blog to people you know and ask them to do the same.

If you have a rant you would like to share with the rest of us, (Click Here) to email me. I will be more angry if you don't.

Mr. Angry

Why Ask?

I was out last night, playing poker with the boys as I have done for the last 10 years and, just 10 minutes ago, whilst eating my full English, my wife (that would be Mrs Angry) has just asked me what time I got in last night. "Oh I don't know, bout 00.45" She said "No you didn't, it was gone 4am before you came in"
This makes my blood boil......if you know the answer to a question before you ask it, why ask it anyway?

Mr. Angry