"Mr Angry"

"Mr Angry"
"It makes my blood boil"

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Monday, 29 October 2012

This is your wake up call...

I hope that in some way, this video has made you open your eyes to what is really happening to us, as a race. A big thank you must go out to all organisations who are fighting the same cause I am and, slowly but surely, things are starting to happen. The world's population is waking up to these atrocities. But sadly, all to often, people want to cause organisations, groups and individuals to fight amongst each other. This is not conducive to the cause. In house fighting means the world governments win.
We must all work together.

"We are not winning today but, today is the day that we start to win".

Make a note of the 6th March 2013, this is the day of the "International General Strike". To take part, simply protest in your own part of the world and make sure you tell all the world's press and media outlets. Send them this video in your emails, post it on all social networking sites and help to get #InternationalGenralStrike tweeting as No1 trend.

Please remember to subscribe to this channel and keep an eye out for further up dates from One voice for the kids and other worldwide organisations who are fighting this cause to preserve the futures of the next generation.

Thank you.

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