"Mr Angry"

"Mr Angry"
"It makes my blood boil"

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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Libconooneytunes Campaign Video 2012

When will the rest of the world wake up to what is really going? I do not know everyone in the world but, due to the nature of my video's, I feel like I do or at the very least, should. Friends, I am appealing to you to acknowledge what these criminals are doing. To us all. I may live in the UK but, what is happening to you in your country, affects me. You are my Brothers and Sisters but, more importantly, I am on your side.
This video is calling out to everyone around the world unite on the 6TH MARCH 2013 in an International General Strike. This is to demonstrate who has the ultimate power. WE DO!

It is to demonstrate, "PEACEFULLY", THAT WE WILL NO LONGER BE SUBJECTED TO THIS WAY OF LIFE. Join with the many that have already. Our voices are far more powerful than that of any gun, bullet and bomb could ever be. 6TH MARCH 2013, Location: wherever you live in the world. Unite on the 6TH MARCH 2013. 200 HUNDRED NATIONS IN THE WORLD, GO TO IT, START PLANNING. Last year we manged 40 nations and that was the 1st WORLDWIDE PEACEFUL PROTEST. Coming back again next year 6TH MARCH 2013. Be a part of it. People around the world, take back what is rightfully ours and preserve it for the future generations.

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