"Mr Angry"

"Mr Angry"
"It makes my blood boil"

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Monday, 29 October 2012

This is your wake up call...

I hope that in some way, this video has made you open your eyes to what is really happening to us, as a race. A big thank you must go out to all organisations who are fighting the same cause I am and, slowly but surely, things are starting to happen. The world's population is waking up to these atrocities. But sadly, all to often, people want to cause organisations, groups and individuals to fight amongst each other. This is not conducive to the cause. In house fighting means the world governments win.
We must all work together.

"We are not winning today but, today is the day that we start to win".

Make a note of the 6th March 2013, this is the day of the "International General Strike". To take part, simply protest in your own part of the world and make sure you tell all the world's press and media outlets. Send them this video in your emails, post it on all social networking sites and help to get #InternationalGenralStrike tweeting as No1 trend.

Please remember to subscribe to this channel and keep an eye out for further up dates from One voice for the kids and other worldwide organisations who are fighting this cause to preserve the futures of the next generation.

Thank you.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Libconooneytunes Campaign Video 2012

When will the rest of the world wake up to what is really going? I do not know everyone in the world but, due to the nature of my video's, I feel like I do or at the very least, should. Friends, I am appealing to you to acknowledge what these criminals are doing. To us all. I may live in the UK but, what is happening to you in your country, affects me. You are my Brothers and Sisters but, more importantly, I am on your side.
This video is calling out to everyone around the world unite on the 6TH MARCH 2013 in an International General Strike. This is to demonstrate who has the ultimate power. WE DO!

It is to demonstrate, "PEACEFULLY", THAT WE WILL NO LONGER BE SUBJECTED TO THIS WAY OF LIFE. Join with the many that have already. Our voices are far more powerful than that of any gun, bullet and bomb could ever be. 6TH MARCH 2013, Location: wherever you live in the world. Unite on the 6TH MARCH 2013. 200 HUNDRED NATIONS IN THE WORLD, GO TO IT, START PLANNING. Last year we manged 40 nations and that was the 1st WORLDWIDE PEACEFUL PROTEST. Coming back again next year 6TH MARCH 2013. Be a part of it. People around the world, take back what is rightfully ours and preserve it for the future generations.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Boycott the BBC and close it down, NOW!

There are many new pieces of evidence coming to light in respect of the 'Jimmy Savile' saga but, it obvious to anyone who has eyes to see the real truth that the 'BBC' has done nothing but cover it up. A quote taken from a site states: In 1978, Harriet Harman was involved with the UK's Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E) and called for the law to be changed as the current one was "harmful". She wants the age of consent to be lowered so adults won't be arrested for having sex with children. Child Pornography (according to Harriet) should be legalised if the child is not suffering. For example: (TRIGGER WARNING) inserting a mans penis in to a childs mouth does not physically hurt them as it would if inserted in other orifaces.

Today, this sick and twisted woman is the "Deputy Leader of the Opposition" in the UK Government. With Harriet in such a powerful position to spread her filth, it comes as no real surprise what type of people are being protected by the BBC and ultimately who is editing BBC's pre-school children's programmes for CBeebies.


 Is this what the British parents wish to spend their £150 a year to see or, allow their children to watch?
It has been recently suggested by narrow minded people that others are allowing themselves to become either obsessed or consumed by the 'Jimmy Savile' abuse case. I would respond by saying, " Firstly, I am not obsessed with Savile, I am obsessed in exposing the truth behind all abuse cases. There is a difference. Secondly, protecting children who do not have a voice of their own is what I do for a living. Some might say, this is a good thing. And finally, as I stated on another site, the point about opinions is that you must respect other people's whether or not you agree with them. I respect yours, please show the same respect to mine. As a campaigner for justice, fairness and human rights, I see what I do as my calling. My duty to other fellow human beings. To children who do not have a voice to tell of their own tales of suffering. But above all else, to rid our country of these monsters who dare to torture our children in such a way, the damage caused is irrevocable". 

To view full site the above quote featured on    (Click Here

Is this not obvious that this must be made public? Whilst I have the utmost respect for the victims of this terrible abuse of power by celebrities and TV stations etc...how are we supposed to bring about a complete stop to children being abused, exploited, failed and ignored and, perhaps more worryingly,   discredited for speaking the truth as to what has happened to them. Further more, it does matter whether the child was abused by the late 'Jimmy Savile' or whether or not they were abused by an uncle to the family, abuse is abuse and in my own opinion, made public. In a statement on the ITV programme 'This Morning', Max Clifford (The PR Guru to the stars) said; (something similar to) "The things I knew about what was going on, going to the police would have done the opposite to what you think would of happened. If I report it, the police go round, question the victim who would only say "No", and have nothing further to say. During the 60's and 70's, girls were promised that they could be introduced to the Beatles and other A'list bands of that era". This ploy to entice young and vulnerable children back to their dressing is still used today. Children are impressionable and, speaking on a personal level, perhaps I myself would have allowed myself to taken in by his charms and for what he has done for other boys and girls. When I was growing, I loved watching that show and thinking, how cool it would if he fixed it for me to fly in a glider. Like many others, I did write in to him asking that very thing but sadly, it didn't happen. The fact remains, the BBC has kept quiet and the late 'Jimmy Savile', said something like "I will be seen as crooked after I am dead".

If this case is the one that will break the chain of silence, then we should all embrace it and do anything we can to stop further abuse from ever taking place. My blog is one of the few places where one can freely express themselves and share their own opinions with the rest of the world's population. Until, TPTB want to remove it from public viewing saying that it is inaccurate and I could find myself sued for libel, I will continue to expressing my thoughts. The right to express yourself through free speech or in this case writing, is not a right that was given to us as a privilege, it is our right to express our views without consequence unless of course, you were to say I'm going kill a monarch or a prime minister and actually do it, then consequences of your actions apply.

Please note: the removal of either the following article, similar articles or the entire blog, will automatically trigger 2,000 similar blogs springing up everywhere with more content that tells the truth. I am proud to say that I work the biggest organisations in combatting child abuse including AXJ, Anonymous, Against Child Abuse, Global Fighters Protecting Children UK, Families Fighting for Justice, Justice for Hollie, Parents Injustice Group Scotland and many more. Those group that we are affiliated with, I call upon you now, to unite on the 5th November, alongside our other brothers and sisters, on a march that will take us across London.
Let Operation 'V' for Vendetta be the one march that will unite us in a national general strike and demonstrate to TPTB how powerful we are. This march must send out a very clear message to our fellow man around the globe, that we will no longer accept this way of life by those who free themselves with the trappings of office and enslave the people. We will be marching to BBC Television Centre to demand that they be shut down immediately.

It is again my own opinion that what we are witnessing nothing but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men that fear the way of human progress. It scares them when we better ourselves. Seriously, they hate us when we are clever but, they dispise and penalise a fool! Now I am ready to take them on. Ready to win this war they declared on the great British people. They have transferred our Soveriegnty to other countries without our consent, which is treason and more worryingly, Britain was abolished on the 1st January 2009. The Lisbon treaty illegally abolished Britain in 2009 (Click Here) for more information. The EU is a Soviet style Communist Dictatorship and, is heading our way. In short, The EU is controlling everything it consumes including our politicians. It is controlling the industry for stealing children, forced adoption, secret family courts, lock, stock the frigging lot. Who is EU controlled? Cameron, Brown, Clegg, Griffin, Pearson, Monarchy, Westminster, us! 

Good news at last.....

Good news is that we have repealed this twice before. What say we do it a third time? "Third time lucky" as the saying goes. If the EU gets in, we will be locked in to a soviet model communist dictatorship which will push us further in to financial poverty. Many small businesses will close if they haven't already. A total 4.5 million small companies will disappear which in turn will put 13.5 million people in to the dole queues.

Welcome to Britain 2012. 

The EU like anything or anyone else, has a weakness. "It cannot happen whilst there is freedom loving Britain on its doorstep". So there is our angle of defence. This is our country, no-one else's and no-one has the right to transfer our soveriegnty to any other country with or without our consent. This is our country, and it ain't for FUCKING SALE. There, happy now, I swore. Bastards......who the hell do they think they are. Pirates of the EastEnd?

People who are reading this article written by an activist in fairness, justice and truth, I say, it does not matter if you live in the UK or another country, you are still my brothers and sisters....let it be known that the entire population of the world, still out numbers the amount of world leaders so, we are many and they are few. Take advantage of this fact and in the name of humanity, unite.

The website featured in this post, is the most informative site I have ever read and I am treating it like the start of a new chapter in my life. Join me won't you and fight for our once Great Britain.

So, how can we stop this from happening and return the stolen children home where they belong? By fighting the EU.  In this world there is room for everyone and this world has room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone, the way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way, greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose stepped us in misery and bloodshed. Men and women, have laid their lives down for our freedoms and how do we repay them? By making their memories worthless. They fought for us so we didn't have to and now, we are faced with the same situation only this time, it is much worse. The EU abolished Britain in 2009 and it will take the EU just 3-4 years to fully consoldate is full potential and time is running out. People said that the end of the world is nigh, they are wrong, only the begining is nigh. "1984" was not meant to be an instruction manual, The film "Demolition Man" where people went and lived underground instead of following the regime, The film "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" are just 3 films that point to the same thing that is unfolding now. You just didn't know it. Mind you, you are not allowed to know what you're not supposed to know.

What can you do to help stop this? Lots of things really but they revolve around the same agenda, get rid of the EU in Britain and return our soveriegnty back to us.Join the many people who are joining daily and fight for your country without weapons of mass destruction. Your mouth is our weapon of mass humanity and in large numbers, more powerful than any gun, bullet, bomb can ever be. Utilise this fact and pour your energy in to something more positive, more meaningful than you can possibly fathom and fight for the freedom of our children's futures now.

It must be said, during this National General Strike by the populous of the aggrieved UK, it is not an excuse to allow looters to run riot like they did in the wake of Mark Duggens shooting last year in Tottenham, it is to be a peaceful demonstration of the power of the people who have been betrayed once to often. It is the intention of the organisers of this march to make it known to the those in black suits, that we will no longer be subjected to this way of life. They have no authority to dictate, they job is to serve, protect and work with us, not against. If the EU gets in, children around the world will be denied a future worth living. The atrocities that have happened over the last few hundred years have all been man made. Logic tells you that we are all born equal but, as we have evolved, we have become more territorially oriented and greed has become second nature. But, no propert in the world is worth losing your life for and I would rather 
my kids die with me than at the hands of these criminals who wear suits and smile as they kill. The hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people will be returned to the people and so as long as men die liberty will never perish. 

In the 17th chapter of St Luke is written the kingdom of god is within men, not one man nor a group of men but within all men, you, you the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful to make this life a wonderful adventure then in the name of democracy let us use this power, let us all unite. Soldiers shouldn’t give themselves to brutes, men who despise and enslave them, regiment their lives, tell them what to do what to think, what to feel, who drill them, diet them treat them like cattle, use them as cannon fire. They shouldn’t give themselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts, they are not machines or cattle, they are men. As a race, we have the love of humanity in our hearts, we don’t hate, only the unloved hate, the unloved and the unnatural.

Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give us all a chance to work and will give children the future and old age a security, by the promise of these things brutes have risen to power and they lie they do not fulfil their promise, they never will, dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise, let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed with hate and intolerance, let us fight for a world with reason a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. 

For the sake of all our forefathers memories, let us all unite on the 5th November 2012. Location Trafalgar Square, London 6pm.

Until next rant, make a note of what ails you and others around you.

Thursday, 18 October 2012



 The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is embroiled in a child sex scandal centred on Jimmy Savile, its anchorman on many popular entertainment shows for over thirty years. Now new information is surfacing which indicates that Jimmy Savile was a fully paid up member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E) - an organisation which campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent in the UK. 

The letter below has been sent to Lord Patten, Chairman of the BBC Trust. In it I have stated "I am placing this information before you in this open letter as I feel that the BBC should now initiate a full investigation into these reports suggesting that during the 1970’s and early 1980’s the BBC’s editorial policy was influenced in favour of P.I.E.  This alleged infiltration of the BBC by P.I.E might also explain how Savile was able to operate as a sexual predator during his extended tenure at the BBC without challenge and/or prosecution."
 I will pursue my objective of securing a full investigation into the alleged membership of Jimmy Savile of the organisation, P.I.E. I will also continue to seek a full and open investigation of the influence, if any, that P.I.E exerted on BBC editorial policy during the 1970's and 1980's. I also expect the authorities to investigate whether any BBC employees were members of P.I.E or expressed sympathy and support for the aims and objectives of P.I.E.
Further links are set out at the bottom of this email.

TELE:  0795 – 142 – 6617

Lord Patten.
The British Broadcasting Association Trust,
The BBC Trust Unit,
180 Great Portland Street,
W1W 5QZ.                                                                                                                               12th October 2012.

Dear Lord Patten,

RE:  BBC / Jimmy Savile.

This is an open letter, ie. I do not regard it as confidential and reserve the right to publish it.  There are some parts of it in italics, these sections I do regard as confidential and, as such, they will not be published.

During 1982 I initiated an investigation into corruption in public life which resulted in the criminal prosecution of some high profile figures for offences against children, including serial child rape.


I turn now to the reason for my writing to you at this point. 

My investigation led me to the fringes of the Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E), an organisation whose history is a matter of public record. The organisation was founded during October 1974 and officially disbanded during 1984. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paedophile_Information_ExchangeDue to a lack of financial support my investigation into PIE was severely limited although I did secure two names on the membership list of the organisation, one was Jimmy Savile.  One of the key aims of the organisation was to secure a reduction of the age of consent in the UK to FIVE and then abolish it altogether. The organisation secured significant support within parliament, the entertainment industry, the media and similar, professional, organisations. It was reported that, when the organisation was finally closed down, the membership list was found to contain the names of nationally known politicians, entertainers and people engaged in professions, including the medical and legal profession. Some teachers were, I believe, also found to be registered members. The quality and influential nature of its membership and the extent of support for the aims of the organisation among ‘opinion formers’ probably explains how it managed to remain in existence in this country for a decade before it was finally closed down. My investigations did clearly indicate that the tentacles of P.I.E extended deep into the establishment including the BBC and Parliament.

This quote from the book Paedophilia - The Radical Case (Chapter 11) gives an indication of just how far the tentacles of P.I.E had spread and how influential the organisation had become

"One outcome of the MIND conference was the suggestion to Keith that PIE should submit evidence to the Home Office Criminal Law Revision Committee on the age of consent. With amazing despatch Keith did exactly this, preparing and submitting the seventeen-page document discussed in Chapter 6 in a matter of weeks, without the benefit of research time or facilities at his disposal. What's more, we have it on reliable authority that his work caught the imagination of no less a figure than the Home Secretary of the time, Roy Jenkins."

The source who notified me that Savile was a fully paid up member of the organisation is extremely reliable. Other sources implied that Savile’s membership of P.I.E was known to others within the BBC who were either sympathetic to its objectives or were members themselves. This might explain why there appeared to be no effective pursuit of the organisation by BBC sponsored current affairs and investigative programmes during that period of P.I.E’s existence.

I am placing this information before you in this open letter (except for the parts in ITALICS) as I feel that the BBC should now initiate a full investigation into theses reports suggesting that during the 1970’s and early 1980’s the BBC’s editorial policy was influenced in favour of P.I.E.  This alleged infiltration of the BBC by P.I.E might also explain how Savile was able to operate as a sexual predator during his extended tenure at the BBC without challenge and/or prosecution.

It has been reported that Savile was responsible for the sexual assault of a brain damaged child at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. It has been stated “it can get no lower than this.”  I beg to differ. My understanding is that the archive at New Scotland Yard hold an image of the youngest child recorded as being sexually abused, the child was female and was still attached to its mother by the umbilical cord.  Perhaps there is someway to go before we reach the bottom of this “cesspit?”

I do expect and formal and comprehensive response from you within a reasonable time period. A copy of this letter has been forward to The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Mr Bernard Hogan-Howe.

Yours sincerely,

Michael .H. Murrin

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Truth behind the EU that you didn't know...

If you vote Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem, UKIP or the BNP, you'll be voting for the EU dictatorship. All five party leaderships are EU controlled. That's why your vote doesn't make a difference - all these five parties have the same policies: the EU's policies.

The 17 most senior politicians in the Conservative, Lib Dem and Labour parties, including Ken Clarke, Francis Maude, Cameron, William Hague, George Osborne, Nick Clegg, Brown, David and Ed Milliband, Ed Balls, Peter Mandleson are Bilderbergers, the 140 strong band of ultra senior Freemasons who are bribed by the EU to build the EU dictatorship.

No Bilderberger, Freemason or Comman Purpose graduate should ever be allowed to hold public office.

UKIP and the BNP are honeytraps to neutralise activists: UKIP is riddled with Freemasons and Common Purpose like a cancer, and the BNP controlled by the Edgar Griffin (father) and son Nick Freemasonry family. The 350,000 freemasons and the 40,000 strong Common Purpose Organisation are the (mostly unknowing) footsoldiers of the EU in Britain. (Which makes the BNP the easiest party to clean up - get rid of the Griffins, and put in a real anti-EU leadership.)

The new EU President: Herman Van Rompuy (ex Belgian PM) -a federalist, very pro the EU dictatorship, a deceivingly innocent looking pair of hands while the EU consolidates its power. EU foreign Secretary: Lady Catherine Ashton, whose career followed the path of many communists with fat salaries from state organisations, was the EU trade Commisssioner and is the traitor who forced the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords. An evil pair.
Mr Angry

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Corruption Watch...

It is my duty as a parent to love, nurture and protect my children. This video has been made with that in mind. It has been specifically designed to shock, enlighten and educate the people around the world as to what their own respective Government's are doing to them. Everything that is in the video is all provable and is available on the net if you are prepared to look for it. Simply ignoring these issues will only demonstrate that your intellect is subservient to your arrogance. You may feel that you can ignore it because you feel that this does not apply to you and you would be wrong to think that. Look on youtube for a video entitled 'Proof we are the last generation on earth'. On doing, please message me your responses to what I have tried to illustrate in this video.

Thank you.

Mr Angry Inc