"Mr Angry"

"Mr Angry"
"It makes my blood boil"

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Friday, 13 September 2013

The Parent's Walk of Justice 2013

The 'Parent's Walk of Justice 2013' is a gruelling 538 mile walk from Farserburgh, Aberdeenshire to 10 Downing Street, London. This is the latest in a long line of events S-C-O-T-UK & One voice for the kids will be hosting over the coming 10 months as they get ready for their biggest event to date which will take place in Hyde Park on the 19th of July 2014. The one thing that we can all count on is the number of children going in to the State Care System will continue to rise unless we come together to stop it. If we are to help these children and their respective families then we must open the nation's eyes to the vile practise being used against respectable parents that perpetuates a financial system for the elite few who feel that they are beyond the reach of the law. The State will set adoption targets for many local authorities throughout the UK to get more children in to the care system. In many cases, even newborns are taken in the same way. First time parents do not stand a chance against the social services. What is supposed to be a joyous occasion turns out to be the worst. Imagine that, within hours of your child being born, they are removed from you from the Risk of Emotional Harm’. This power phrase used by the State and Social Services is used in most cases and if you challenge them on what it means, they refuse to answer. Risk of emotional harm defined is ‘Part of Life’. For example; if you Father or Mother said they were going to take you fishing or to have your hair and nails done on Saturday as a treat, you would be all excited. Come Saturday, they regrettably inform you that they can no longer do this due to either work or other life commitments, you are devastated but, this is emotional harm. Hardly the grounds to take any child away from their biological parents but they are doing this and this is happening. Even babies are put on the 'at risk register' before they are born and then taken after they have been born.

The opportunity to fight back (if ever there was one) is during this walk. We are calling out to all parents and Grandparents in the UK to join us on the 1st of November 2013 and walk with us to bring about the change necessary to corruption that is a cancer in our 'Child Care System and the establishment. Your motivation for joining in this epic walk is to honour your promise that you each made your children when they were born, that will love them unconditionally, nurture them and protect them from harm. We must fight for our children's rights as well as our own, we must fight to free ourselves from the wickedness that lives within our government, we must free ourselves and fight for a better world. I said it in a previous post, "What holds us back is not all the practical stuff, its fear; very reasonable fear of the unknown, of failing and of succeeding (because success changes everything). It's really difficult to tackle that fear of the unknown on your own. On your own, you have to counter the doubts and fears with the same organ that creates them – your own mind. But… team up with enough positive, committed people and everything changes. You get to admit you're scared, get reassurance, and get the practical advice and contacts you need then suddenly, all sorts of things start to look possible".  There is no need to fear any more because we are not on our own, not really. We must address this country's most urgent problem of 'Child Stealing by the State and Social Services' NOW!

Meeting point:

Marischal College Customer Service Centre
Ground Floor
Broad Street 
AB10 1AB

1st of November 2013 9am. 

To find out more on this epic walk, please contact Sam Edwards on: 07976 785627. Alternatively, drop him an email by [Clicking Here] and see how you can participate. 

Thank you and until the next rant, take care of yourselves and each other. 

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