Hello readers, It’s Mr. Angry from Purley and, I’m back…..
My wife (Mrs. Angry) and I were watching a documentary on the telly the other night about our so-called justice system in the UK. I could feel myself getting more and more angry as it went on and by the end credits, I wanted blood I was so angry.
I would love to meet in a dark alley, the bright spark who introduced the idea of claiming back time spent on remand and in police custody.
Let me tell you a story that was in a national newspaper last Friday. A woman in her 50’s was mugged at knife point, handbag stolen and was viciously pushed to the ground. The perpetrator was apprehended a few days later and was charged with aggravated assault. He spent 4 days in police custody (due to over-crowded prisons), taken to court and owing to the nature of the offence, he was placed on remand waiting certain reports from the probation service which I have heard, can take weeks or even months to get the perpetrator back to court whilst waiting for these reports. All the while, this is costing us the humble tax-payer thousands in revenue and this is only the start. Ain’t told you the worst part. Anyway, the day of sentencing arrives, costing us even more money, the judge hands him a term of 18 months. This makes me so angry, the judge should be disbarred, the jury shot and the tax-payers should be reimbursed in full, for all the miscarriages of justice we have all paid for in life.
This bit will leave a bitter taste in your mouths and, if it don’t, you have no heart. So, to recap then, a mugger mugs a 50 year old woman at knife point and pushes her to the ground violently, he spends 4 days in police custody, 4 months on remand then receives a pitiful sentence of 18 months. Once inside, he is allocated a PO (Personnel Officer) who is assigned to go through the needs of the prisoner and assess what he or she needs. The PO also informs them of their release date whilst informing them that they are entitled, once more, ENTITLED to claim any days spent in police custody and also any time on remand as I stated earlier.
That’s all well and good ain’t it right, cos the woman who was attacked received no time taken off her life time of suffering, offered no form of counseling, no amount of compensation can ever take away her fear and, now lives as an agoraphobic on a housing estate in Peckham with no family or friends to turn to for help. She is all alone. Once again, this glorious system fails another aggrieved victim. Angry, I am livid.
Final thoughts….the English penal system is bent to suit those who wear them silly wigs and what are we exactly doing to stop this? What are we doing? I’ll tell you, fighting each other instead of the system. We all have a grievance with the Government for something or other, so we share something in common. Utilise this fact and stand together. 62.2 million people live in the United Kingdom and only 600 odd are politicians so, we are many and they are few. Ain’t it time that we showed them our power? Yes. This is really making my blood boil, like a volcano, ready to erupt.
In closing, I would like to leave you all with an idea I had whilst sitting on my throne one morning;
With all the paedophiles we have in this country, I say don’t lock them up in normal prisons and here’s why, when a high-profile oil company is getting ready to decommission one of the oil-tankers, why doesn’t our Government invest in buying a few, spending the money they receive from stealing and selling children to foster agencies and turn these tankers in to prison ships instead. Anchor them hundreds of miles off shore in each direction far from the public gaze, to be forgotten about.

If you have a grievance with the Government or any other outside agency that has made you angry, why not share with others here? Or alternatively, (click here) to email me your rant.

If you have a grievance with the Government or any other outside agency that has made you angry, why not share with others here? Or alternatively, (click here) to email me your rant.
Mr Angry
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