"Mr Angry"

"Mr Angry"
"It makes my blood boil"

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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Chew on this....

Ok, now I am seeing red, blood is boiling and now I am seething with absolute rage. As you know, I am making a stand the affects of child abuse, forced adoption, secret family courts and child stealing by the state. This vile practise is going on right now and under your noses.

This rant is your wake up call.  This is truly horrific news. In Britain today a secret court system is stealing and trafficking people’s children. It’s summed up as the ‘Gulag of the Family Courts’ in Jack Frost’s book, and as ‘Child Stealing By The State’ by other journalists. This uncovers a brutal conspiracy between Social Services, the police, the courts, government and public authorities, to unlawfully take children from their parents and pass them into a frightening and often abusive Social Services system. That conspiracy still exists; so does the evidence. When a small community newspaper, the UK Column, was set up in Plymouth with the mission of exposing massive public sector fraud and corruption, its volunteers were shocked at reports of child stealing sent in by parents across Britain.

It was hard to believe at first, some of the stories, but the evidence became overwhelming. Files of letters, court documentation, emails. There were lies, perjury, falsified medical evidence, false psychiatric assessments, kidnapping, psychological pressure, police threats, blatant collusion of defence and legal teams of prosecution against the parents, failure to prosecute the perpetrators of child abuse and medical incompetence, and victimisation of innocent mothers. The courts had taken no notice of the child’s wishes. This horrible tarantula web of a system is secretive and powerful; local councillors cannot challenge their own Social Services departments about their actions. Social Services are UNACCOUNTABLE to anybody and hide behind secret family courts and confidentiality. They use the courts to gag parents and suppress exposure. Governments offer local authorities more money for more children they can get into care; they set targets. 25,000 children a year are being taken in this way.

The reality of trying to inform people of the UK as to what is going on is explained below:

Paint this picture in your minds....game shows that you have to phone in to have a chance of winning and in this instance, I am going to use a BIG ONE...'THE X-FACTOR'. For the first few weeks, you wait til you have found your favourite and that's when the addiction starts. It costs a whooping £1.53 per call and 25p per text including one network rate charge set by your provider. Now, each week you vote and each time, you spend either £1.53 or 25p + one charge. Which brings me on to my first question; ever wandered how they can affoprd to give away a million pound recording deal? Simple maths really. 62.2 million people live in the UK and if everyone phoned or texted in, that's how they can afford to do it plus, that's also how they can put on such an elaborate show. Nearly there now. At the end of all the heats and bootcamp and judges houses, there can only be one winner. The final is upon us and winner is announced. I  will not deny it, it must be great for the winner of the competition but now ask yourself this; after all your voting and your favourite singer wins, how does it change your life???? Dumb ass! Whilst you're still out of pocket, they have just made a £1m whilst you still live in 3 bedroom semi in Colchester. it makes my blood boil with seething rage. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is Mr Angry when I lay my vengeance upon thee." Think that best describes how angry I am.

This concludes my rant for now.

Remember, make a note of what angers you and others and share them with the world. Until the next rant, take care of yourself and each other.

Mr Angry Inc

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Mr Angry's Page

Hello readers, It’s Mr. Angry from Purley and, I’m back…..
My wife (Mrs. Angry) and I were watching a documentary on the telly the other night about our so-called justice system in the UK. I could feel myself getting more and more angry as it went on and by the end credits, I wanted blood I was so angry.

I would love to meet in a dark alley, the bright spark who introduced the idea of claiming back time spent on remand and in police custody.

Let me tell you a story that was in a national newspaper last Friday. A woman in her 50’s was mugged at knife point, handbag stolen and was viciously pushed to the ground. The perpetrator was apprehended a few days later and was charged with aggravated assault. He spent 4 days in police custody (due to over-crowded prisons), taken to court and owing to the nature of the offence, he was placed on remand waiting certain reports from the probation service which I have heard, can take weeks or even months to get the perpetrator back to  court whilst waiting for these reports. All the while, this is costing us the humble tax-payer thousands in revenue and this is only the start. Ain’t told you the worst part. Anyway, the day of sentencing arrives, costing us even more money, the judge hands him a term of 18 months. This makes me so angry, the judge should be disbarred, the jury shot and the tax-payers should be reimbursed in full, for all the miscarriages of justice we have all paid for in life.

This bit will leave a bitter taste in your mouths and, if it don’t, you have no heart. So, to recap then, a mugger mugs a 50 year old woman at knife point and pushes her to the ground violently, he spends 4 days in police custody, 4 months on remand then receives a pitiful sentence of 18 months. Once inside, he is allocated a PO (Personnel Officer) who is assigned to go through the needs of the prisoner and assess what he or she needs. The PO also informs them of their release date whilst informing them that they are entitled, once more, ENTITLED to claim any days spent in police custody and also any time on remand as I stated earlier.

That’s all well and good ain’t it right, cos the woman who was attacked received no time taken off her life time of suffering, offered no form of counseling, no amount of compensation can ever take away her fear and, now lives as an agoraphobic on a housing estate in Peckham with no family or friends to turn to for help. She is all alone. Once again, this glorious system fails another aggrieved victim. Angry, I am livid.

Final thoughts….the English penal system is bent to suit those who wear them silly wigs and what are we exactly doing to stop this? What are we doing? I’ll tell you,  fighting each other instead of the system. We all have a grievance with the Government for something or other, so we share something in common. Utilise this fact and stand together. 62.2 million people live in the United Kingdom and only 600 odd are politicians so, we are many and they are few. Ain’t it time that we showed them our power? Yes. This is really making my blood boil, like a volcano, ready to erupt.

In closing, I would like to leave you all with an idea I had whilst sitting on my throne one morning;

With all the paedophiles we have in this country, I say don’t lock them up in normal prisons and here’s why, when a high-profile oil company is getting ready to decommission one of the oil-tankers, why doesn’t our Government invest in buying a few, spending the money they receive from stealing and selling children to foster agencies and turn these tankers in to prison ships instead. Anchor them hundreds of miles off shore in each direction far from the public gaze, to be forgotten about. 

If you have a grievance with the Government or any other outside agency that has made you angry, why not share with others here? Or alternatively, (click here) to email me your rant.

Mr Angry

Monday, 17 September 2012

Suicide awareness video.

Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from depression and contemplate suicide every day, we're here to tell you that you're worth it. This was written and performed by Willie Jimenez.

Please watch, comment and share far and wide. these issues are going on and little is being done to prevent it. Help by getting a bill passed in Parliament.

Mr Angry

The Worldwide Peaceful Protest

Yes, it's back and bigger than before. The call to unite the world is now and bring to book those responsible for all crimes against hunamity. Please watch the folliwing video below.

Please put the 6th March in your diaries, this is the date that the Worldwide Peaceful Protest will be taking place. As the title suggests, it will be happening right around the globe. To find out what you can do to help, please contact One voice for the kids via their website (Click Here) or alternatively, you can email them (Here)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

When will you do it?

The ignorance of people is what these dictators rely on. Making penalties servere enough for the world's population not to challenge the world's governments. Do people really feel so disempowered not to stand up against these cowards? It would seem so. The uprising has begun and you might be thinking, what can little old me do? More than you think but, it depends on one thing....do you have the moral backbone to stand up against these tyrants? If so, take the first step in making a difference to other people's lives, contact us at thevoice@onevoiceforthekids.org.uk

Thank you.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

What will you do?

To find out more about this video and its content, please do some research in to this....check out 'Agenda 21', Brian Gerrish 'Child Stealing by the State', on here, 'Proof that we are the last generation on earth'. All these videos can be found on youtube.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Something inside so strong.....

This is an overdue rant and I will not offer any type of apology for it. What has happened to the English spirit we know and love so much? We used to speak out about the things that anger us, we used to be so passionate about justice and above all, we used to stand together whenever those in power give us no other option. Sadly, here we are again. Most of us would feel disempowered to do anything about it, disempowered to tackle our respective Governments around the world. Well, we shouldn't after all, we put them there in the first place. So easy to point the finger of blame at someone else, and our politicians are flamming experts at passing the buck so to speak. 

Proof we are the last generation on earth (CLICK HERE)

So, here are the facts......................

1. The people of Britain have been betrayed by the British collective establishment by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason. 

2. Our Government is not serving us the way they are meant to. Hell-bent on sweeping their political secrets under the shag pile inside No10. 

3. It has not mattered which political party has been in office or “power” as they insist on calling it, nothing ever changes. We are continually being used and abused like pawns in their game of supremacy in which a dynastic ruling class see themselves as ordained to rule as masters – with impunity, whilst we the people, as virtual slaves, are supposedly destined to obey – without question. 

4. Our politicians are abusing their position and bend it like 'Beckham' to suit their own ends and give the 2 finger salute to the people who ultimately pay for their malfeasance whilst they award themselves with the trappings of office – high salaries, luxuries denied most of us, privileges, pensions, prestige and benefits that we can only dream of… whilst burdening us with ever-higher taxes, derisory pensions and declining standards of public services. 

5. Child abuse is something that has been happening for years and is not considered news however, child stealing by the state and social services is perhaps not so much public knowledge but, it is on the increase. The manner in which, every week, dozens of families are wantonly ripped apart has become truly horrifying. And the only reason this does not itself make headline news is that our so-called ‘child protection’ system has become so ruthlessly hidden from view by the wall of secrecy built around it by our secret family courts. What is most shocking about our child-care system is the extent to which, behind that wall of secrecy, every part of it has gone off the rails.

What is most peculiar is, why are the aggrieved parents not lining the streets in huge numbers and in disgust as to the way they have been treated by the very system that is meant to protect? These child protection units use the most vile and destructive tool against parents I have ever seen. Reality has shown us that the principles and values set out in the social service code of ethics are not being met nor followed. I sometimes wonder if the problem is less the social workers than the framework in which they operate. If that is the case, then these guidelines need to be restructured. The rights of children who unfortunately come through the care system, are sadly lost in the very bowels of this dark and sinister system. Children's rights are not being observed in the same way as perhaps the perpetrators rights are. It is obvious to anyone who has eyes to see, that we have our priorities mixed up. While the rights of the perpetrators are observed and they must be seen to be observed, what of the rights of the victims? Or do they not count. Sadly, no, they don't seem to matter. Children are unlawfully taken from their parents, rushed through forced adoption and treated like criminals if they stand up object to what is going on. 

Since the Baby 'P case, it would seem that the same mistakes are still being made and nothing is ever done about it. If 18 years between 3 offenders is meant to reflect the crime, I say this: "For those who wear multi coloured  pyjamas, with a white wig and ponytail and are addressed as M'Lord, I find your motives deplorable, your moral compasses defunct and your conduct despicable". It is very easy to say what you would say in this case but, truth is, no-one could ever imagine what Peter's Father must be going through. He cannot move on from this tragedy that was not inevitable. 18 Years, that is no comfort, it is an insult. We can all sit here today and, say that we would not rest until justice was served. but whatever the sentence in Peter's or other cases, nothing will bring them back.

The following names must not be forgotten, as the campaign to get the laws changed is done in their honour, the lost souls of the UK failed by our system.

Baby Peter Connelly (broken back, ribs and died from choking on his own tooth after being punched) 

Victoria Climbie (beaten with a bicycle chain – A kettle of boiling water tipped over her head)

Sarah Payne (murdered) by Roy Whiting.

Tyra Henry (21 months old - murdered by her dad)

Jasmin Beckford (had been locked in a small bedroom with body-building weights tied to her broken legs to stop her from escaping)

Lauren Wright (a fatal blow to the stomach from her stepmother)

John Gray (Had more then 200 injuries to 92 parts of his body)

Tiffany Wright (lived in an insect-infested room in a pub in Sheffield)

Sophie Casey’s (died in squalor)

Tyrell Rowe (brain damage after being repeatedly punched in the face)

Kimberley Baker (was starved to death)

Sophie Merry (170 bruises).

All these names must not be forgotten. 

These atrocities could have been avoided if the social services, the police, and the courts did their jobs properly. It is the state that has failed these children; and we are complicit from a lack of awareness. We can and must stop this from happening.

You can help make the change, you can help to stop this. The following organisations are all doing something to stop it and get the laws changed: Please spare a moment and click on the links below, to view their respective websites. 

Here is your opportunity to do something amazing today, join in with protests, conferences, rallies and the like. We must all stand up now, to preserve our children's futures and their children's futures before they are denied one. 

Heather Small once said "what will you today, to make you feel proud"? I will dedicate the rest of my life to changing the system and go against their fascist regimes.

Mr Angry

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Reshuffle,Rethink or just simply Remove?

Jeremy Hunt as Secretary of State for Health, Andrew Lansley as Leader of the House of Commons, Chris Grayling as Secretary of State for Justice, Theresa Villiers as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

Truth is they should all be renamed to the following titles:

Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State to 'Ill Helath'. Andrew Lansley as Leader of the House of Corruption. Chris Grayling should be promoted to Secretary of State for Injustice. This reshuffle is making seeth with uncontrolable rage. This is what football teams, rugby teams do during a match. This will not make a blind bit of difference to how we are being treated by them.

In the next general election, why not, (do what Montgomery Brewster did in 'Brewster's Millions') create a party called 'None of the above'. Vote them all out, they're only holding your potential back and gragging your spirits down. They don't serve us, they are dictating. They have no authority to do this.

In the words of Heather Small, 'What will you do today to make you feel proud'? 

Let us use this opportunity to stand together to make the necessary changes to our societies and community before it is simply too late.

Until my next rant, make notes of what angers you and others around you.

Mr Angry

Monday, 3 September 2012

Deaf Politicians...new initiative

After a lengthly debate, it was announced last night that David Cameron is bulk buying 'Hearing Aids' for all politicians in Westminister. This is not a moment to soon in my humble opinion. Here is why it is considered good news.

Before they take their seat in Parliament, they come round in their hundreds, put on high-profile campaigns to trick you in to voting for them. If you do, they promise to act in your best interests, air your grievances and state your case to Government. Pah! Pull the udder one, you lying, decietful parasites. The only way to get their attention is to pull this regime and turn it on them! I firmly believe that we hold the power, after all, regretably, we put them there in the first place. If this be so, surely, we can take them out too?

Mum's, Dad's, Grandparents, activists, extreme activists, I urge you all to join the revolution that is gathering more and more momentum every second. The uprising has started and now is the time that the Politicians must face their inevitable downfall. Their deciet, greed, and blatant fascist approach to serving us has given us no other option but to cease back control of this country before it sinks completely. Don' sit there thinking "what can little old me do"? Plenty. We vote them in, we vote them out.

On the 5th of November 2012,  an event is taking place at Trafalgar Square. This event is called 'Operation V for Vendetta'. Gather at 6pm until 8pm. 8pm is the march. This simply is a must attend as this will happen as often as 'Hayley's Comet' and you do not want to miss this. For more inforamtion on this event, please visit the following link; (CLICK HERE)





Until my next rant, make notes of what angers you and others around you.

Mr Angry

Sunday, 2 September 2012

My top ten that makes my blood boil

ok, here is my top ten folks.....these are the ones that make me see red, sprout horns, burst blood vessels and want blood.

#10.Traffic wardens....or wannabe policemen. They couldn't make the grade in becoming a police officer. They only realised this, after they the failed the test to becoming a Unigate Milkman.

#9. Just for men....why would they use guys in their 20's who obviously don't need to be treated. Same with the Gillette Ad, why show men that only shaved before the commercial was shot. Not one of them has any stubble. Oi, to you in the advertising depts, here's a thought, use real men, ones that suffer shaving rashes, or those who cut themselves, or really hairy ones, who use 2 razors every other day. Do us all a favour, stop frickin' lying.

#8. Cold callers....they always seem to be unable to read my notices. It clearly states on my front door, on my gate post and gate the following; To all canvassers, before you consider knocking on this door, please think of this....When your company came to my house last week and the week prior and so on and ariston, was I interested then? No. Nothing has changed, not even your dress sense.Stop coming round my house, selling nothing but a tissue of lies to the gullible, get a proper job. Become a traffic warden or a Unigate Milkman. 

#7. Cillit Bang - aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhh, makes my blood boil. Whoa Barry, mate, we ain't deaf. Cillit Bang, the power to wow. Yeah, at the price maybe but, c'mon folks. Cillit BANG Power Cleaner Grime & Lime eliminates even the toughest of problems. All except Barry. 

#6. Crown Court Judges - What is it with them silly wigs? At my last court appearance, I wore a bright purple wig in to the courtroom and within seconds, the judge said "Mr Angry, please remove your wig". Anyone else thinking, double standard? I replied with, "Lets both come out together your worship". Court officials surrounded me from all sides and before I knew it, I was in the cells for contempt of court. Hypocrite!

#5. Perfume girls - You know who you all are. You walk in to Allders and they just lay in wait for you to walk passed their counters. Then, wham. you think you're being maced. Sprayed with a mixture of what can only be best described as an odour like a cat sanctury that was bombed during the blitz. Now, Mrs Angry thinks I have had an orgy. Pack it in ay girls. 

#4. Fast food - Whether you drive thru or go inside, you ask for what you want which in my case is always the same; Qtr pounder with cheese, cheeseburger, large fries and a large coffee. Always the same answer will follow no matter what restaurant I happened to visit, "is that a meal"? It's the meal I would like. Stop trying to talk me out of what I have ordered. And whilst I'm ranting, why do they put so much salt on the fries? 

#3. Disabled Parking Only - Those of you who park in disabled spaces because you think they are convenient. Well, I have prepared the following message just for you: 
These sapces are reserved for disabled badge holders only, failure to comply will result in your rust bucket being towed by the D.V.L.A (Disabled Vehicle Linching Association). Please show consideration to disabled motorists. You have been warned. Additional notice, Stupidity is not considered a disability yet but, under the Libcons, anything is possible. 

#2. The Monarchy - Slap me for being so unmoved about the whole situation, but I couldn't care less about the royal wedding. And I am yet to meet anybody who has any sort of feeling or emotion on the subject. I don't know Kate or Wills, never will and don't even really have a clue what the monarchy does anyway. Does anyone? Sure, it's nice the young couple are so in love. And I agree with David Cameron our country needs a pick-me-up. But my main reason for being a humbug about the wedding is it's like they're just rubbing their wealth and power in our faces. It's almost as if they're laughing at the recession and giving us the finger by saying "ha ha, you lot might have less money right now, but look what we can do with public funds." I also wonder why we frown on unemployed people living in state-funded housing, yet not the unemployed, state-funded royal family? At least benefit scroungers don't spend half the year in the Swiss Alps at our expense. 

#1. My biggest rant has been reserved for those who think it is acceptable to steal children. I have this message for you; "You make me sick. This vile practise you inflict on innocent parents is the most destructive tool I have ever seen. 
With all the best interests in the world, these outlined policies just do not seem to exist except on paper. They say that it is the aim to assist individuals, families, groups and communities when clearly, this is not correct. Thousands of families will tell you a different version of what is really being practised. Their moral compasses are defunct, their values deplorable and motives despicable. This invites the perception of the social worker as less as an expert and more as a "judgmental busybody". The parents of these children have there lives put on hold and with no fault of there own have to endure years of abuse from these workers that just won't admit there wrong no matter what the circumstances. What is desperately needed is setting clear and helpful boundaries between both the families and social services that can work. Social workers are human and should not be afraid to show this but, they must remember that the process of removing a child due to the ‘risk of emotional harm’ must be seen from both sides of the coin before any decision is or can be reached. The difficulty with social work as a profession is that everyone has their own view on children and families, and this varies wildly. But in essence most people see themselves as the expert on their own family, and in particularly on their children. We, on the whole, trust our doctors and nurses as well as our dentists, teachers and opticians. We trust them because we believe they know a lot more than us about their stuff.

When I have my liver removed I’m pretty sure I won’t be arguing with the surgeon about whether he knows what he’s doing. We just assume, and rightly so, that they know their stuff. With children and families it’s different. In the end social workers can rarely do work with families without criticism because we generally do not believe that they know best. This is clear to anyone who has eyes to see. They have earned this reputation due to the way they have acted in the past, so, in essence, mud sticks. Over-zealous social workers should be brought to account for their actions. If that should lead to a successful prosecution or a prison term is imposed, then so be it. Social workers are not above the law and, if they break the law to suit their own ends, they must be brought to book.

Mr Angry

Sick or what?

Are any of you aware that there is a museum to commemorate 'Jack the Rippers' life time achievements? Yet another true story. Are they going to feature this throughout the UK's worst criminals. Soon, hospital wards will be named after them too I suspect...is this how sick we have become? Glorifying murder, well, I suppose in the underworld circles, they are celebrities. But still, ain't it sick
Speaking as a parent and Mr Angry second, if he murdered one of my children and years later, they were to make a museum in his honour, I would be out there, campaigning day and night 365. Cameron must know about this ay? Apparently, it features his belongings such as a radio, a lamp and some cassette tapes. Whats next, are they going to flogged them at auction at Sotherby's?

This makes my blood boil. This country needs a check up from the neck up.

Until next rant, make notes of what angers you and others around you.

Mr Angry

Saturday, 1 September 2012

The Worldwide Peaceful Protest - 10 Song Album Project

 I am proud to be announcing that, the 'Worldwide Peaceful Protest Against Child Abuse' is back and bigger than before. On the 6th March 2012, the Worldwide peaceful protest encouraged some 40 other nations to take part in not only raising the publics awareness in to the irrevocable effects of child abuse and child stealing by the state but, also to put the issues of this vile act the our collective establishments are doing, in a worldwide context, that way, Governments around the world might just take a more notice. Which is why the nice people at One voice for the kids HQ have come up with the idea of the 'Worldwide Peacful Protest Against Child Abuse 10 Song Album Project'.

So, what's it all about, Alfie? It is all about raising the roof on this very emotive subject and bring it out in to the public arena where it damn well ought to be, but due to the Government, our press and normal media outlets have been gagged but, some journalists are slowly starting to catch on and break this eerie silence that has dominated our society for so long. If any type of abuse is to stop and, for there to be any kind of change to our system, we must first change the way we all think. So, how will this 10 song album help and what can you do to help? 

The Chairman to 'One voice for the kids' (Sam Edwards) has asked me to put a BIG SHOUT OUT to encourage the masses who read my blog, to help make this album. What they are looking for is, lead vocalists, backing singers, musicians, sound and lighting engineers, record producers, anyone who has any dealings with the record industry would be an advantage. Imagine it folks, the second largest collaboration since Sir Bob and friends 'Do they know it's Christmas'. What makes this so different compared to 'Live Aid' is, that this open to ALL musicians, not just celebs....this is open to everyone, whether you are a musician or not. You might be a producer, or an events management company, there are NO restrictions. 

I have been asked to inform you that One voice does not raise money, does not accept donations because they feel that money cannot replace what has been lost forever, 'CHILDHOOD'. Such a short and precious time in anyones life that should be filled with happy memories, not nightmares. With this in your minds, they would ask, whoever wishes to participate, they do so for the good of the cause. So, what happens when the album is complete? One voice for the kids is going to set up 5 safe houses within the UK that offers the resources that children of this country are currently not recieving. The safe houses will hopefully be able to house up to 100 at any one time. The project is called 'The Horizon Centre Project'.  These centres would offer an alternative to the destructive system that they are currently being subjected to with little or no consideration for their well-being whatsoever. The sale of this album will go directly to setting these centres up. The idea is to train survivors/victims of establishment abuse, in house by accredited counsellor instructors, using the latest techniques. These candidates will be able to go down two different routes, the first being trained in becoming a fully qualified counsellor intstructor to train others in counselling or they would be able to work inside the centre, gaining valuable experience daily as a full-time counsellor. Counselling courses are not the only courses that will be running, we will also be running courses on a wide range of topics including: Desktop Publishing, web designing, PR Management and all these courses are fully acredited and will allow the client to go in to mainstream education at university level upon gaining their qualification from the centre. With the multi-media centre, we will be able to promote up and coming bands or live broadcasts, radio and TV. The centres would be operating 24 hours a day and open all year round. They would offer the vital services that they should be getting now but, sadly, they are not. The idea of the centres was partly inspired by the atrocities that happened to Baby 'P and Victoria Climbie. The signs were there but, they were missed. The system failed these children and this cannot and must never be repeated. These centres are not just for survivors of establishment abuse but, it is a way of giving something back to our respective communities. The project centres will be fully modern, fitted with the latest in technology along with its own multi-media centre. The sale of the album will not just help to run the centres but also to put on high-profile events, conferences and functions which by using the multi-media centre, we would be able to transmit live and document ourselves. 

As one of the patrons to this great cause, I would encourage you all to take part as these  centres are designed to give somthing back to our children and their society as ultimately, it will be theirs, one day. Will you join me in paving a safer future for your children and others? Even if it means the Governments around the world are abolished? When injutice becomes law, then rebellion becomes duty! Join with us and help to preserve your children's futures before they are denied one. So, under the umbrella of the 'Worldwide Peaceful Protest Against child Abuse' and, in the name of democracy, let us all unite and spread the word. 


For more information on this project, (CLICK HERE) to email the team at One voice for the kids HQ.