Operation Claggem
Please take a moment to view the picture below. What this picture illustrates is what the British Road Networks could look like after 'Operation Claggem' is implemented. Pay special attention to the M25 surrounding London, any motorway that links on to the M25 will end up backed up with traffic. All routes highlighted in red are the effected areas. The black dots represent possible liaison points and for are for example purposes only. This should give you some sort of idea how simple this plan really is to implement. The entire British Road Network could be shut down in 2-5 hours, causing major chaos to the motorway network nationwide. Please continue reading to see how it works.
The Aims
The aim of Operation Claggem is to bring as much of the British road network to a standstill as possible by having small groups of slow-moving cars moving down the motorways as slow speeds. This will show that a silenced majority (we, the People) want to make a statement, that we will be silenced no more.
The Objectives
Organise small groups of cars (minimum of six cars, three per lane) across as much of the British motorway system at strategic points throughout the road network. Small groups of cars travelling at slow speeds (three cars in the left and centre lanes) should begin to slow the traffic down and force more traffic onto the right hand lane, thus also causing traffic in that lane to slow down.
How will this be achieved?
We will set up a CrowdMap account which will detail where the liaison points are, giving people the opportunity to find the locations easily. That will give participants a choice of whether to join with an existing group or become a liaison for their own group if there is not a liaison point in their area. If they decide to start their own, all they have to do is ‘scout out’ a strategic point close to them and identify a meeting area, preferably in a motorway services. They can then send the details via e-mail and they will be posted to CrowdMap. At a given date and time, Operation Claggem will commence. Using this method of participation will empower people to participate and own their particular part in the wider operation. We are making involvement and the organisation of this as simple as possible to encourage others to become involved.
Strategically we want to concentrate on the M25 and would like liaison points at various places, all the cars simply circling London. However, it is recognised that this may be out of some people's reach but it doesn't have to exclude them. Given enough participation it is possible to clagg up the entire British motorway system in under two hours, which should cause considerable mayhem and consternation.
Although we have no control over how individuals will act, we are suggesting the following guidelines in the interests of safety and common sense.
For Liaisons –
Choose a liaison point carefully. The aim is to ‘back up’ traffic, so a point close to the junctions of multiple motorways or major roads is preferable.
A the liaison point, choose a parking place away from normal traffic in order to allow others to park close to you. Include those details in your report so others can find you easily.
Be identifiable. Give (some) details of your car and how it can be indentified. Be aware that others may join and they may not know what colour/make of car you drive. Even using ribbons or balloons for instance would help others to identify you. Include those details in your report.
It would also be useful to include contact details, a FaceBook page would be fine.
In general –
Start the operation by driving at normal motorway speeds then gradually slow down. Use at least three cars per lane and always stay clear of the hard shoulder in case emergency vehicles need to use it.
Use your common sense, especially if the motorway is very busy. Start off with all the cars in one lane. Then ‘split’ the numbers across two lanes. Slow down over a distance to give other traffic a chance to react. Suddenly slowing from 70mph to 40mph is not recommended.
Share the costs. If you have spare seats and people who don’t have cars want to participate, offer them the seats. If you are a passenger in someone else’s car, at least offer some money for fuel.
Be safe, be sensible.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is Mr Angry when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
"Mr Angry"

"It makes my blood boil"
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Thursday, 24 October 2013
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
This is an urgent appeal;
This email
along with the contents has been generated in regards to the upcoming
high-profile event ‘The Parent’s Walk of Justice 2013’. I would like to take
just five minutes of your time to explain what the parent’s walk of justice is
all about.
For the
past several decades, the British Political establishment has betrayed the
British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power
without our consent, which is an act of treason. They have surrounded
themselves with the trappings of office – high salaries whilst burdening us
with ever higher taxes, derisory pensions, increase in the cost of living and
declining standards of public services. Not only that, the state and social
services are stealing children, setting national targets with local authorities
using cash incentives to get more children in to the state care system.
Currently today in Britain, there are more than 100,000 in the state care
system which is a tragedy and a national scandal of huge proportions. Due to
the state of this country, the organisation ‘S-C-O-T-UK-One voice for the kids’
has said, “Enough is Enough”.
Over the
last four decades at least, the Brits have been shafted enough by this
government that cares not a jot for its own people and quite frankly they never
will. They invent new ways (like the ‘Bedroom Tax’) to extract the worthless
piece of paper that we think holds intrinsic value but really it doesn’t and
has not since it was taken off the gold standard in 1925. They have cut vital
services including closing accident and emergency units throughout the country
to save money they say, but they are selling off units of NHS and stuffing the
money in to the pockets of private and corrupt bankers, children are being
stolen and kidnapped from their parents by the state and social services using
lies, false evidence or producing none at all, perjury, false medical reports
in court (including sectioning) fraud and corruption in public authorities,
police, courts and high-profile Government Officials. Why? To break up the
families. This government will send to work someone who has terminal cancer.
They will cut vital benefits needed by so many to live on. This government will
stop at nothing to get what they want and they won’t let anything stand in
their way.
Two years
worth of planning has gone in to ‘The Parent’s Walk of Justice’ and I must say
that I do not see another option on the table to stop these criminals. As part
of this walk, we enlisted the help and assistance of the ‘Battle- Bus’. An old
Routemaster red London double-decker bus that has travelled the country
spreading its message, we are being stripped of our rights. But, due to unforeseen
circumstances and personal reasons, the ‘Battle-Bus’ can no longer assist us in
our cause. So we are urging anyone who has access to a mini-bus, transit or
similar type van, motor home or caravan that they could donate for a month as
the ‘Battle-Bus was going to be our mobile sleeping quarters, hospital and
media and press office. We have been donated a £1,000 which were going to use
for the fuel towards the bus. We are urging anyone to come forward and you can
do so in many ways if you wish to remain anonymous. You can contact us through
the following Medias;
Website: www.onevoiceforthekids.org.uk
Blogspot: http://mrangry34.blogspot.co.uk/
it will be an absolute shame if we have to cancel this event after all the work
that has gone in to this walk. People have given so much of their time to this
cause to make it what it is now. All we need is a long wheeled transit type
van, motor home or caravan for one month. The People’s Voice is going to do a
story on this event and help us to break through in to the mainstream. No other
offer like this is on the table that has the potential to do so much. If anyone
from Grangemouth is reading this appeal, please get in touch. We must support
those 800 men and women who could lose their jobs or already have lost them today
through these dark times as we would hope that they would do for us. They too
have families like you and I and times are already tough enough without this
adding to their lives. It is time that we started to Support A Majority. It is
time that we did something amazing as a collective. It is time that we fought
If you think
you can help us no matter how insignificant you think it might be, please get
in touch using any of the above methods. Or alternatively you can call me
directly on: (07976) 785627 (during normal office hours Monday to Friday).
This will
continue if we do nothing NOW!
Saturday, 19 October 2013
The Parent's Walk of Justice latest press release
On the 1st of November 2013, Sid
Hingerty, Ardjuna Clearwater, Cornel Brown and Sam Edwards will set off on
their epic adventure to walk from Aberdeen to 10 Downing Street to rid our
country of the criminals that are abusing children in the care system.
Sid Hingerty, aged 72, started his own walk from Dunblane to Downing Street via Brussels but, he halted his walk temporarily whilst he united with the organisation One voice for the kids and ‘The Parent’s Walk of Justice’. This is for safety reasons, publicity and for making a bigger impact against forced adoptions. Sid’s own reasons for doing this walk are varied but very plausible but at the same time, embarrassing. It is considered embarrassing because anyone who feels that they must take such action to get its own government to listen is embarrassing. Sid’s reason for doing this is; “walking for justice because there is far too many child abuse cover ups protected by immunity. Too many families are having their children illegally stolen. Children, families, the elderly and vulnerable are all having their Human Rights totally ignored and violated by our Government and High Court laws”. Sid Hingerty has announced after a recent conference, Walk For Justice will resume on mothers day in March. Hopefully on a bigger scale down both sides of the country as well as the middle to all parliaments Scottish, Irish, Welsh again to Downing Street and to the court of human rights in Brussels! To find out more about the 'Walk of Justice' page, (Click Here) and show your support.
Ardjuna Clearwater, is a DISABLED Grandmother who has had five grandchildren effected by the corrupt care system and is
campaigning for all grandparents who are watching there own children’s lives being
ruined by a system that is meant to protect families and young people. Ardjuna
has worked in system long enough now to see first hand the injustice,
corruption and greed that are bringing the vulnerable people of this country to
their knees and into early graves. She is a real fighter with the zest to win.
Cornel Brown is a Father that has been
stripped of his rights to be the best Father he could be. On who’s authority?
Who are these people who are more qualified to say how you should bring your
children up than you are? In his case, the state and social services used lies
in court, presented false medical reports and false evidence in court or
sometimes, they did not need to present any evidence. Cornel recently said; “during
the Pryce trial, the jury asked if a verdict could be made without
evidence/reason being reached. The response in the paper read, yes, the Tory
party does it all the time”. Cornel is a man of peace who has had his
heart ripped out by people who have no concept of their actions. Now he’s
fighting back.

The organisers of this high-profile event are urging anyone who has been a victim of this vile government and social services to get in touch. They are set to not send anyone away wishing to walk with them to London as they would like to see the whole country come out and pledge their support. Although the main essence of this walk is to help raise awareness in to the irrevocable affects of childhood abuse, the state stealing children, forced adoptions and the secrecy within the family courts, the group also say that they will address all and any issues ranging from childhood abuse to rising fuel prices, freezing pensioners not the prices, cutting vital accident and emergency departments, making someone with terminal cancer go out to work, cut vital benefits that so many need to live on. Bring your grievances to the table and have your say.
The Parent’s walk of Justice will be visiting
the following towns and cities along the way so, if they come through your town
or city, please go out and show your support. Walk a mile, or 10 miles with
them or as much as you can manage.
Montrose, Dundee, Edinburgh,
Kirkcaldy, Galashiels, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Selby, Nottingham, Leicester,
Kettering, Luton, Watford before arriving in London.
It is hoped that they make it to London in
time for the St Andrews day celebrations to unite our campaign SCOT-UK with all
parents in Britain who have been affected by corrupt secret courts and social
services. A spokes person for ‘The Parent’s Walk of Justice said; we do not
want people to feel obliged to donate to the walk but, if they would like to,
we welcome things that can help us like first aid kits, extra shoes/socks, scarves
hats and gloves, two-way radios between the campaign battle vehicle and
walkers, bottles of water and energy drinks. So that we can print things off
along the way, stationary supplies are vital if we are to take this to the
streets, so things like paper and ink would be an advantage. Any press and
media agency wishing to interview any of the walkers must walk a minimum of a
mile to get their scoop.
What can the public do to help?
Plenty.....they can send out the link to every social networking site known to
man and keep emailing the press and media agencies in the UK. Anything the
people may think of that maybe of use, please get in touch via email: thevoice@onevoiceforthekids.org.uk
or contact our press office on the above number. If you do see them, show your
support. Dates of when they will be arriving in to the various cities will be
available from the 21st of October. These dates are only approximate
dates as they cannot possibly give accurate times, this is due to the
contributing factors such as vehicle faults, injuries etc that may occur. They
will be contactable via The Parent’s Walk of Justice mobile phone but they have
requested that people do not phone too much as they may need to make an
emergency call.
Meeting point:
Marischal College
Broad Street
9am to 1pm 1st of November 2013.
Organisers contact details:
Sam Edwards: (07976) 785627
Ardjuna Clearwater: (07866) 663019
Sid Hingerty: (07870) 979314
Cornel Brown: (07508) 123305
for The Parent’s Walk of Justice 2013
to Montrose 1/11/13
to Dundee 2/11/13
Dundee to Kirkcaldy
to Edinburgh 4/11/13
to Galashiels 5/11/13
to Gateshead 9/11/13
to Hartlepool 11/11/13
to Selby 14/11/13
Selby to
Nottingham 17/11/13
to Leicester 18/11/13
in Leicester for 2 days for an outdoor mobile seminar at 2 locations.
to Kettering 20/11/13
to Luton 23/11/13
at Luton for 3 days for meets and greets and any press calls.
Luton to
Watford 26/11/13
Watford to
London Downing 29/11/13
(with a
day stop off point to rest and do any press interviews etc.....then finally arriving
at Downing Street on the 30th of November on the same day as St
Andrews day).
The above
schedule is for guide purposes only. We will notify all press and media
agencies of our pending arrival in advance as much as we are able to do. A
press conference is being called for the 1st of November at the
meeting point namely; Marischal College, Broad Street Aberdeen between 10am to
11am. Any press agencies wishing to book a slot may do so by sending a request
in via email to: thevoice@onevoiceforthekids.org.uk only written requests will be accepted. If you have any further questions, please
feel free to email us them and we will try to answer them as quick as possible.
To view the event page on Facebook, (Click Here)
We will be streaming our walk live everyday. Click play on the link provided.
To view the event page on Facebook, (Click Here)
We will be streaming our walk live everyday. Click play on the link provided.
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