This strike movement is an occupy movement and we are encouraging people to occupy certain buildings in their respective towns, cities and country's. These can range from government buildings, local authorities/councils, universities/colleges, police headquarters and courts. Perhaps in New York, the residents could occupy the Federal Reserve. We also need people to take to the streets in a mass global demonstration that this is the will of the people and we want to move forward from this fascist soviet bodied regime.
Let it be known that on the sixth day of March 2013, The People versus The Elite will commence. This I dedicate to my children and each and every man, woman, and child living in this world, you are my motivation for calling this strike. The legacy that I wanted to leave behind for my children was meant to be a prosperous one. It was not my plan to lead them to fight the war that we the people now see ourselves fighting. The memory I had envisaged of leaving my children was; a man who was not afraid to speak his mind, nor afraid to stand up for what is right, and to prove to the world that the love of humanity is stronger than evil.
To my Brothers and Sisters… have a serious decision to make. One that will certainly test your morals. Over the many decades, our political establishments have betrayed us with their empty promises, their deceit and blatant agenda to destroy us. FACT. We all have a grievance with our respective governments and you may have tried to lobby it with the government and got nowhere. The grievances outlined in this document are the opinions of One voice for the kids and we have called for an ‘International General Strike’ to address these issues. It is simple, your grievances become my grievances, you bleed, I bleed, we all bleed. You cry, I cry, we all cry. We are the same but very different too. We all share a common goal, to live in peace. What will you do to achieve it? What will it take for you to achieve it? When will you start to achieve it? Tomorrow? Tomorrow never comes. Today is the day that we start to win but, there is still so much to organize. This document tells you how this can work. Wherever you live in the world, start contacting all the unions for example; transport unions, industrial unions, Hospital unions etc, informing them of the upcoming strike stating that this is the world’s largest platform to air our grievances to the global establishments all at once. The 6th March 2013 is the day that we stand united causing the gears to their corporate machine to stop. No longer will the people of the world be enslaved by the elite who free themselves and award themselves with the trappings of office. No longer will they benefit from our labour. No longer will we allow them to remain unaccountable for their crimes against all humanity. On the one hand, we allow them to continue their global agenda to mould us in to a society that they control from, how many hours we work, how much we earn, where we live, how many children we have, healthcare, everything. When their agenda is fully operational, there will be nothing that they don’t control. Whilst on the other hand, we stand up and fight and our voices will be the weapon of choice. The world’s population finally says, “We have had enough” and fights back. The very fact that you have a grievance and a voice, you qualify to take part.

It has been said by that of so many organizations and individuals that this strike is ‘a’ way out. An all out strike by all industries in as many time zones around the world on the 6th March 2013 as possible would cause the collective establishments to drop to their knees. The strike continues for seven days to ensure that impact of our global message is made perfectly clear; the 6th March is the day that the people will have they say and the people will be heard in front of the world’s media and press.
Let it be known that the 6th March 2013 will be a date that will be long remembered by millions of people around the world. In order to bring change, you must be ready to work together. We must remember that there will be a few political casualties during the strike but, without disappointment we cannot accept victory. This is your chance to do something amazing, question is, will you?